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mambo101 wrote:
I heard on the news this morning also on FM Newstalk 104.7.

Sorry to ask, but y'all have an FM Newstalk station?
Kricket wrote:
mambo101 wrote:
I heard onthe news this morning also on FM Newstalk 104.7.

Sorry to ask, but y'all have an FM Newstalk station?
Yes we do and it's one of the highest rated in the city.Conservative talk with Quinn & Rose(local), Glenn Beck, ShawnHannity, Michael Savage and Coast to Coast AM.
Ibeleive you. I there are rescues thatget purebred rabbits, pedigree or no.ButIknow alot of shelters have a spay nueter policy that they have toenforce by law. Even if it comes down to alteringpaperedanimals. They are looking at the pet prospect of things, and dontreally know what a pedigreed showbunny is. Or if they do they probablydon't care to support anything that breeds, or has anything to do withbreeding.Its not in their interests. Their main interest isto find that rabbit a good pet home, and make sure it doesn't keep onbreeding. And who knows, that breeder might've culled it out to therescue for something like sickness, or a disqualification. I would saya shelter would be the best place to get a pet, but not a show rabbit.And pedigrees don't mean anything to them. All it is to them is just awritten piece of paper.

And yeah a breeder dumping pedigreed animals on a shelter is considereda dump. I agree with the other person they should be branded for it.Even I wouldn't be that heartless to dump my rabbits in those sort ofplaces. Shame on any breeder that does!
This is How I Feel, When easter comes around nobuns should be sold for at least a month because of it. They need todelete the easter bunny myth all together. I feel so bad and now when Isaw this the lady who Adopted my Thumper is the lady who tries to takein as many as she could. I feel so bad just like other animals. Duringchristmas dogs and cats get turned away once the holidays are over. Itmakes me sooooooooooo sick. If I had a large farm with hundreds acresof land. I would fence it all in and let as many dogs I could roam andmake the whole ground level house for small furry critters and build anice heated, ac, and instulated barn house for dogs and all.
Tina already saw. :p. I emailed themabout Oliver the French Lop. i am waiting to hear back from them. Notmany people are going to want such a big boy if he is in fact a FrenchLop.

With recent events I will be maxed out for awhile on any morebunnies. but I can't let him die either. Dale doesn't know yet. I'm notgoing to say anything to him until I hear from them.

Tina: I'm going to e-mail them today about acouple of buns. Shawn has no idea, I was going to mention itto him last night, you would think he'd be ina good moodbeing in Miami having everything paid for by his company, not having tofly for 4 days and being paid for the whole time, but no, he was socranky! And I was half asleep. Anyway, what hedoesn't know can't hurt him.


Edit: I went back to their site and most of the buns I liked weren'tlisted any longer, but I e-mailed them anyway about a few.We'll see what I hear.

Since this thread is about the adoption of rabbits, I wanted to share a short story.

I wanted a rabbit and with the help from sites likehttp://www.rabbitsonline.netI decided to adopt one. Almost all of the shelters wanted tocheck out the house and cages first. No problem, but thatruled out adopting from a shelter that was very far away (strike one).

I went on to search pages and found one that I really wanted from asemi-local shelter. So I phone and asked about a rabbit thatI liked. They started asking be questions and one questionwas "are any of your children under 5?". I said yes, and thatwas it. They became very rude , like I was an animalabuser. They said that there was no way they would let meadopt a rabbit (strike two). I was not allowed to adoptbecause there are people who cannot keep their children (or rabbits)safe and under control.

So I bought from breeders, not one but two rabbits. One is afull time house rabbit and my kids (one 2 and one 6) get more trustfrom the rabbits than I do. Yes, the two year old had to betaught what was right and wrong around the rabbits, but it just takesparenting.

I was not allowed to give two sheltered rabbits a good home (Strike three and out) and bought from breeders instead.


PS I understand there are many reasons for the above, and there will bemany opinions. I know they cannot just give out rabbits onthe street, but not letting people adopt because they have kids isremoving a huge portion of the potential adopters (probably a majority).
Wow, the shelter I went to was all ready to skipbackground and landlord checks and send Rascal home with me that veryday. We were the ones to hold back- we wanted to match anappropriate cage with the bunny and make sure everything was ready athome, so we are delaying until Monday. If they could have, Ithink they would have tried to send more bunnies home with me and theytried pretty hard with the hamsters when they found out I hadone. Although, they are extremely busy with kitten season, soI guess the fewer animals in the shelter now, the more space for Godknows how many kittens in the next few weeks.
I should make clear the my comment was not aboutall shelters or rescues. This was just what I got whendealing with a few here in England and my opinion of it. Theyhave their reasons.

Keep up the good work.

I think the difference in shelters is veryinteresting. This wasn't quite what I expected, but the placewas very busy. People were getting dogs and cats, anddropping off strays, etc. I think they were just glad tofinally have someone who

a. Wanted a bunny

b. Actually knew how to take care of a bunny.

c. Was making an effort to keep her current and upcoming bunnies happy.

They would have been perfectly happy to put the rabbit in a cardboardcarrier and send us on our way. I actually would have likedthem to have been a little more discriminating, but whatever.He needs a home, he seemed friendly with people and Mocha, and he willbe mine!
I had to talk to the lady that runs the bunnypart when I got Oreo...she aske dme a bunch of questions...normallywants to meet you in person and possibly see your setup..but she saidshe could tell I knew what I was doing she let me get Oreo...Iwent a few days later to a bunny meeting she runs on Wed nites to meether in person and take Oreo in for a visit. Then when Iadopted Misty it was no problem at all.
I think a big difference is if it's a "shelter"ora "rescue". From my experience, shelters are mucheasier to adopt from. All the "shelters" I've been to justhad me fill out paperwork there. I went with a friend toadopt a friend for her dog and they requested she bring her dog withher to let him pick, but in my opinion, that's just sensible.On the other hand, all "rescues" I've been to are much more strictabout who gets to adopt. I was planning on adopting a ferret,but they would not let me take it because my ferrets do not have rabiesshots. My ferrets are never outside or in contact withanimals that are not my own, so there is no risk. The"rescue" just has a policy, so I had to respect that. Inthinking about it, most rescues know tons more about the particularanimals they have, so I guess you have to weigh that. I alsoknow, that in the event that Daisy has babies, I will be ridiculouslystrict about who gets her babies.

I must admit I am more than a bit angry.They were so quick to bring up putting these rabbits down if homesweren't found. I emailed them about adopting Oliver andstill haven't heard a reply. That was three days ago.This just is too much for me. Don't go saying these bunns are going tobe put down and then ignore potential homes.

This is just me ranting.

dajeti2 wrote:
I must admit I am more than a bit angry. They wereso quick to bring up putting these rabbits down if homes weren't found.I emailed them about adopting Oliver and still haven'theard a reply. That was three days ago. This just is too much for me.Don't go saying these bunns are going to be put down and then ignorepotential homes.

This is just me ranting.

Tina: I e-mailed them too and didn't hear back. I'm going togo in tomorrow and look. Would you like me to ask themanything?


Did anyone see cute little, snowflake?



[/size][size=+1]I am currently being fostered and am not at theshelter. If you are interested in adopting me, contact Donna at (412)321-4625 ext. 217.

I am a spayed female, white Rabbit sh.

[/size][size=+1]The shelter staff think I am about 2 years and 2 months old.

I have been at the shelter since May 24, 2005.[/size]

She's cute. :)

White mini lops are pretty. :) though its hard to get a real good onewith mini lop(roll back fur). Most whites whites dont have that.

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