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In my opinion, they went too light on thesentencing of this woman. I'd like to see her subject to livein the conditions in which she had those poor rabbits living in.

Recent sentencing of a PA man who allowed approx. 200 rabbits to die of dehydration/starvation -- $125 fine and 30 days in jail.

I think some type of community service would be appropriate in thesecases. Many of the defendants don't have money to pay thefines. and I don't believe that these people are a threat to society(so why use my tax dollars to hold them in jail for extensive periodsof time).

A token fine, short jail sentence and LONG community service working with animals would be my judgment.

The amount of cruelty and neglect cases you reedabout and see on telly is disgusting. I think anyone who ill treats anyanimal should be banned keeping pets for life!!! I also thinkthe RSPCA should make names an the identification of these people tobreeders of any animal so you can check who you are selling youranimals too. I recently read about a Lady who saved up formonths to buy her 10 year old daughter a Jack Russell puppy for herbirthday, then she throttled it to death the first night it was in itsnew home because It cried for its mum at night. They had beenpreviously banned fromkeeping animals, the breeder said theyseemed nice people with a lot of knowledge, and that she explains toall buyers what to expect.

I like Pam's community service idea. Especiallyif it was at a humane society, so they would have to learn how to takecare of animals. I also think they should be forced to pay money to therescuers who did so much to undo the damage these poor animals wentthrough. That's a lot of vet bills!
Did sophiebun not post some info about this woman ealier in the month? I think I remember some of the details.

Poor bunnies. She should not be allowed to keep the cats and dog.

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