Hi I just want to introduce myself and say I love my bunny. He is a mini Rex/ Lionhead. His name is Gandolf. He is 11 weeks old this week he is such a joy. He has a cage that I put him in at night, but I’ve sectioned off an area in my living room and put him in to let him run and hop for now. He is for the most part litter box trained . He does very very well with this but as all bunnies that I’ve seen they do have droppings wherever they go. LOL he loves to rub noses with me and then turns around and hops off and does little flips etc. I have two cats also and he loves to play with my Old man cat, Parker who is 14. Parker will lay on the floor and Gandolf will jump over him. Akita is my other cat and he will take and rub noses with Gandolf. It makes me very happy to know that they all three get along really well. Thanks for listening
He sounds like a sweetie! That's great that he and your cats get along so well. My cat is scared to death of my rabbits and won't even go near their room.