newbornes help

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I am so very sorry for your loss.. you should beproud, you did a great job keeping them alive and gave them a life theynever would have had otherwise


I'm so sorry. What you were trying to do was extremelydifficult. You are to be commended for your effort and forkeeping them going as long as they had been. It's more commonthan not that they wouldn't survive. Don't beat yourselfup. You did more than most people would've. There'sso many things that can go wrong in such situations. I admireyour love and your willingness to help and learn. You'regoing to get attacked with love and appreciation by those little oneswhen it's your turn to enter Heaven.

I'm thinking of you and will say a prayer for you. I knowyou're in pain. God Bless You for caring like youdo.


You did the best you could and gave the babies more love than theywould have gotton at almost anyone elses hands. I'm so sorryfor your loss, you will be in our thoughts.

Thanks again for everyones kind words andeverything else, I would not known where to start if not for the posthere at R.O.F everyone has been so helpful to even though I knew I wastaking on a very hard task but being a Mom and a softie I just couldnot just stand by and let them die with out trying besides their momwas my 6yrolds bd gift ( I knew what I was getting into bygiving a child a rabbit as a gift we have 4 others 2 were a ann. frommy hubbie last year he's a softie too he also fed the wee ones) we weretold that our other rabbits were female and had had little ones beforeexcept one thats was to be a buck we got these rabbits in Sept. nobabies yet ( we knew the one passed was to have little one)

I didn't realize that the mother rabbit was your daughter's birthdaypresent. I thought a friend of yours rabbit died and you stepped in.

Your daughter couldn't have a better example, and she knows you and your husband did everything you could.

We have a lot of cool families here, yours certainly will always come to mind when I think of them.

I hope there are more lucky bunnies that find their way into your household.
