Peanuts, if I remember right, are the smaller25% of babies born to dwarfs right? And if I remember right,they don't survive becuase of their lack of ability to absorbnutrients, right? That is so sad the way natureworks that way. How old is your little guy? I amtrying to be sensitive, but at the same time, aren't you supposed toput the peanuts down as soon as they are born? I'm justwondering. I've never had to do that before, but we haveended lots of suffering of farm animals, so I know how hard itis. Our hardest ever was a barn cat that belonged to mydad. The neighbor's 80% Wolf escaped his holding cage andcame and bit her back and broke it. She was due tohave her kittens any day. My dad cryed for one of the onlytimes I've ever seen him do so. I am sorry you have to watchhim like that. It is always sad.