Normally baby bunnies aren't hard to lookafter. They usually are born in a litter of 4-10 and don'tcome out of the nest until a couple weeks, when they open theireyes. Mom usually takes care of them. The foodintake begins to increase dramatically when they do start venturingout, then you slowly wean them 4-6 weks later. There can behazzards along the way though. Some moms are canabalistic forno aparent reason. If it is cold and they get outside of thenest, they can get hypothermia and die very easily. We hadthe one bunny that ate all the limbs off the kits she had and we had toeuthanize them. Bunnies are relativly simple to raise,actually from my vast experience with animals, one of theeasiest. I've bred goats, chickens are even harder,chinchillas, the rabbits 13 years ago, cats, and many others, now I'mplanning on breeding my Cavalier KCS in a few months after years ofresearch. I have not come across a rabbit birth like the oneI am going through right now. I've never had to stimulate,always had more than one kit, and never had a bunny be in labor for solong or get a kit stuck. I recommend getting a good mentorbefore you breed and not to mix breeds unless they're formeatand get really good hardy breeding stock. Thisis just my opinion and it goes for anything else you breed too.