Newborn kit

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Jul 10, 2005
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We recently had 2 baby bunnies born here from arabbit brought in our home as a stray, last time we raised kits was 13years ago, so any advice is appreciated. She had the first onthe 7th in the am and the second was stuck until the 8th in the am, wethought she was done. The first was born dead, but the secondmiraculously survived. I am planning on documanting day today pictures of the kit's development if anyone is interested inwatching. The link is

Here is the newborn's pics from yesterday...

It also had feces caked on it's hind end that Ihad to wash off. I hope mom isn't neglecting herduties. I'll check on the baby again in the morning to makesure. I tried rubbing the area with warm wet paper towel, butthe kit didn't need to deficate any more, so maybe she justforgot. I also rubbed my handds on mom before handling thekit so it didn't smell too much of me when I returned both her and thebaby to the cage...

Here's one more pic of that and I'll get out of ya'll hair lol...

Hey, I know you! From the CatForum, right? You've got that little cutie, Beaver :) (I'm spacemonkey, btw).

Cute lil' wriggly you got there:inlove:

I don't have a whole lot of advice to offer, though we do have somegreat experts here. There's also a great post that should have somemore info for you:

Hey there, I remember you too... what acoincidence lol. Beaver's getting so big.This whole baby bunny thing took me by suprise, you know? Notplanned and the birth ect wasn't normal or anything like I rememberfrom 13 years ago when I did breed rabbits, but I was 12 and they weremeat bunnies. I remembermomma bunnyeatinglimbs off babies once and us having to put the babies to sleep farmfassion- I think we (graphic) severed the spinal collumn then froze thebodies for snake food, ice water bottles when it was hot, neverallowing a male in the female's cage, etc, but never a 24 hour laborand only one live kit up and moving the next day with one more borndead buteven though it's warm outside and the baby was neverexposed (in fact I don't remember any born dead, but know it happens),so I'm a little freaked out lol. I was also looking for aname for the little guy. I was thinking something along thelines of uno for "one." Since I'm posting again, I'll throwanother pic in just for fun...
WHat a cutie , no24 hr labor isnt normal butcertainly understandable considering youfound the mother as a stray , poor thing, she is lucky you found her in time ,As for the baby just watchthe Mother to ensure the babyis eating and has a full tummy morning and night.Not much has changedin 12yrs regarding kit care ,generally if the Mother is healthythe babies will be also . Inthis case I would gether some Nutri_ cal andgive her some everydayto build up her milk andgenerall all around health , Ialso would sprinkle a few rolled oats in herfood just for added roughage .

They baby with fecal matter onhis bottom was probably causedfrom being stuck for so longand he pooped on his way out, that sometimes happens ,just keep an eye to himand see that heis going to thebathroom normally .
One thing i wouldsuggest is takae Momand Baby to a Vet ( rabbit smart) and have them checked over carefully ,better to be safe nowthan sorry later .
Thank you guys for all your help. Babyhad more feces on his bum again this morning, so again I took it insideto clean it off. While doing so, the baby peed a wholelot. I'm wondering at this point if she is stimulatinghim. How often do you need to stimulate a baby bun who isstill nursing off mom but not deficating with her? I knowwhen you hand feed, it's everytime they eat, but I have no way ofknowing when the little guy eats. Anyways, here's a pictureof him on today, day 3...
Oh my he is a chubby onelol what a cutie , Atleast you can rest assured she is feedinghim well , lol sometimes mothers willstimulate the babies either just brforeor just after feedings , she maybe doing it before and notafter is all , If truely worried there isno reason you cant help her alongwith the stimulations ,

Early morning and later inthe evening is agood time to stimulate , thatway you will also know if hte mothris feeding him/ her enough .your doing a great job keep upthe good work .
Thanks, gypsy, for the advice. I wasthinking of fostering him to another mum, there's a good breeder onisland, but I hadn't asked her yet. Plus, if there issomething wrong like some sort of parasite from mum since she was astray for at least 7 months, I don't want to pass it to herheard. But I think the baby is doing okay. I justworry about how much I've interveaned since mom isn't exactly a socialbutterfly lol. I guess we'll find out how it turns out in thenext couple of weeks. Thanks for all the help again...
Normally baby bunnies aren't hard to lookafter. They usually are born in a litter of 4-10 and don'tcome out of the nest until a couple weeks, when they open theireyes. Mom usually takes care of them. The foodintake begins to increase dramatically when they do start venturingout, then you slowly wean them 4-6 weks later. There can behazzards along the way though. Some moms are canabalistic forno aparent reason. If it is cold and they get outside of thenest, they can get hypothermia and die very easily. We hadthe one bunny that ate all the limbs off the kits she had and we had toeuthanize them. Bunnies are relativly simple to raise,actually from my vast experience with animals, one of theeasiest. I've bred goats, chickens are even harder,chinchillas, the rabbits 13 years ago, cats, and many others, now I'mplanning on breeding my Cavalier KCS in a few months after years ofresearch. I have not come across a rabbit birth like the oneI am going through right now. I've never had to stimulate,always had more than one kit, and never had a bunny be in labor for solong or get a kit stuck. I recommend getting a good mentorbefore you breed and not to mix breeds unless they're formeatand get really good hardy breeding stock. Thisis just my opinion and it goes for anything else you breed too.
Oh how luckyyou are to have a Cavalier KCS, what a beautiful animal they are , andnearly an extinct breed also .Its a crying shame theyway they have let some of the most beautifulanimals get to that point.

For those who dont know whatthe Dog breed is or have neverheard of it could you pleasepost a picture I amsure everyone will want to oggle it andooohh and aww over it I knowI sure would!.
Gunner, the tri boy, 6 months old,ismy mom's dog and Baili's stud(she's the blienham- can't ever spell thatright lol- Gunner's dad has his championship in Australia and workingon it here in the states as well. Baili came from a showfamily as well and was imported from Australia, is AKC andUKC. Both are beautiful dogs. Cavaliersare one of the only breeds bred for campanionship only (by KingCharles.) They were given as gifts to the royal familiesonly. Most other dogs had some sort of purpose in thebeginning at least. These two live up to those standardsperfectly and are the sweetest things you could possiblyimmagine. I love the breed and everyone who meets them lovesthem as well. Baili visits nursing homes and even one of thetherapists there is on a waiting list to buy one of their puppies...

what a beautiful breed of dog!! Kinda looks likea less stocky version of a cocker spaniel......i have a soft spot foregyptian pharoah hounds.. i will eventually have one..
i forgot to mention they blush when they get excited b/c thier skin and fur is so fair.


Oooh, pretty, my eyes are bad aznd I'm notwearing my glasses, so at first glance it looked like a horse until Ifocussed a little better lol!
Here's from today, the little guy is still doingfine... oh, ya, the nest seems to be getting more and more bare, so Irubbed dryer lint all over the mom and placed some underneath thekit. It is not too cold, so I didn't bother on top...
Well, I have some sad news. I checkthe baby morning and night. That picture was taken thismorning, and tonight, I found the baby past away. This isgoing to be heartbreaking to tell my 6 year old daughter.

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