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Dec 18, 2012
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UK - North East England.
I have a 5 year old female lionhead who lost the use of her hind legs around four days ago. The vet prescribed metacam and steroid cream for the mild hock sores that had begun to set in.

Yesterday she was eating lots and lots of hay, pooing and drinking normally, seemed relatively upbeat (if a little frustrated) and was managing to groom herself.
Today she is eating much less (though still eating) and has been audibly grinding her teeth. The grinding is less pleasant than when she is being brushed and has a definite 'crunch' sound to it. She's also chattering her teeth, as a human does when cold. However, she occasionally comes around and becomes animated and affectionate.

My problem is gauging how much pain she is in, and what to do about it.

Over the past few years I have tried to find a rabbit-savvy vet in town, but to no avail. I have mentioned the possibility of EC to the vets but was told that hind leg paralysis is 'one of those things' She has been checked for injuries and it has been determined that there is no neurological damage. The vets seem geared toward putting her to sleep and I know it will be suggested to me again when I return to the vets later today.

I obviously do not want her to suffer, but when she does perk up I can't comprehend the idea of putting her to sleep when she's still so alert, affectionate and responsive. The grinding I fear is give away as to how much pain she is actually in though.

As her hind legs remain tucked under her due to the paralysis she has been sitting in the 'meatloaf' position and so her posture really isn't giving me any clue either.

Can anyone tell me if there are any other signs as to whether she is in pain? What your opinions are on whether she should be put to sleep and if so, how long should I allow? On one hand I feel as though I should give her more of a chance, seeing as she's still the same old Poppy when she perks up. On the other, I can't bear to see her miserable and possibly in pain.

Sorry for the long ramble, I'm at my wits end. The vets aren't very helpful and the internet is giving mixed information. I'm also new to this forum and not entirely sure how it works. Apologies if i've posted this in the wrong place.

Hope someone can help!
Well, teeth grinding is a definite sign of pain. BUt, there are a few people on here who have paralyzed bunnies and they do very well. Its not a lost cause. Her pain could be the start of stasis especially if her eating habits have changed, beyond that, I dont know. Hopefully, someone can come along and help out a little more
The kind of tooth grinding you can hear from across the room is definitely a sign of pain. That said, if she's still eating and drinking on her own, that sounds more like a sign she's doing well.
Do you have any idea what caused the paralysis? (e.g. was there a traumatic event?)
Where are you located? We have a long list of rabbit savvy vets and may be able to help you find one near you.

Now I see that you're in the UK. Here is our list of rabbit savvy vets in the UK. See if any of them are closer to you.
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There's be no obvious indication as to what's caused it. As far as I'm aware she hasn't injured herself and the vet has said there are no signs of neurological damage. I've read up on e cuniculi but was told that testing for it is unreliable and that there isn't much point.

I'm in the UK, (Hartlepool specifically). I know that there are small animal vets in a nearby city which is around 50 minutes away but I'm scared the journey will stress her out too much. Thank you for your response, I'll have a look at that list now.
I hate to disagree with a vet, but I really think it is EC. Earlier this year I had an 8 year old girl suddenly loose coordination, leg strength, and then start seizures. The vet dismissed EC as well. Over a couple weeks the seizures got worse and we ended up putting her down because she really was suffering at that point. I have another girl that has had chronic head tilt issues and dizzyness. I kept getting told it was ear infections eventhough they couldn't see anything wrong. I started to do indepth research on my own.

I am now convinced that Cinderella, the first girl, had EC and as she got older her immune system couldn't keep it in check. Most rabbits are carriers and their immune system keeps it from showing symptoms, but something happens and it can no longer keep things under control and you get symptoms. Treating for it has low risk, so if you are wrong there's no harm. If you are right then your bun might be saved. I took this approach with Becky and her "ear infections" miraculously went away. She has gained weight again and is much healthier.

I have all the specifics written out on my blog- if you want to read it. I highly recommend a 30 day course of panacur and then long-term treatment with ivormec. This is what worked for me. I can tell that Becky is due for her ivormec dose at the end of the month (given every 3 months) because the last couple weeks she starts to have more symptoms again, then within 24 hours of the dose everything goes away until it is time for the next one. Too much of a coincidence for me to think it is anything else.

I will be praying for you and your sweet bun. Please talk to the vet about this again and see if they will agree to trying it, there's nothing to lose. :pray:
it could very well be EC, which is usually treatable but requires aggressive treatment. I think it would be worth the stress of the trip to a vet that's further away to see one who's truly rabbit-savvy and has experience with treating EC - it could well make the difference between life and death for your bunny to get started with proper treatment ASAP.

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