New Toy!

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Christina - Moderator
Jul 21, 2006
Reaction score
Central Coast, CA
I piced up a new toy today at Target. It's a crinkle cat tunnel. It's made of polyester and has one hole in the side as well. They seem to enjoy it, but it will only be a supervised toy as chewing on it wouldn't be good. I can't seem to find it on the website, but it was under $9. They list a $40 one that looks longer, but isn't it.

Here it is! Sorry I couldn't get an action shot, I took this with my webcam. Fiona is the one in the litterbox next to the fridge.

lol my bun has about 6 of those and i've pegged them all together and made a maze type set-up out of them. you should see my room, most of the floor space is taken up by bunny tunnels. he's chewed the snot out of them but they are still fantastic for him to use as his "burrow". he likes to sleep in them and some days i hide treats and hay inside them for him to find.

one time my cat moo tried to get inside them. she's massively fat and it was really funny watching her trying to squeeze her ghetto booty inside of the tunnel. what she didn't know was that my bun ludo was already inside and when he discovered thisintruder inside HIS tunnel, he charged at her and she did the fastest back-pedal-scramble-run-for-my-life-it's-a-killer-bun manouvre i've ever seen her do. it was a kodak moment lol

this was the look on her face - :shock:haha. love it.
YAY!! I got one of those a few months ago...and BOY do the girls LOVE it!! :D

Of course, the kitties get a kick out of it, too, but my kitties are rather large (Hobbes is approx 17-18lbs, Sunny probably about the same, though she's shorter...she's got some weight to lose). They just enjoy having one of them stick their head in one side, while the other tries to stick their arm in and hit them from the other side. That, and they love playing with the strings you use to tie it when you squeeze it together to be put away. :D

It's multi-species fun!
Ohhh I saw that at Target on clearance! I thought about buying it, but didn't, I may just have to go back and get it. It did look like it might be fun, the only concern was the same as you with the chewing.

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