that's GREAT to hear about the nasal passages - should help a lot and make meds significantly more effective in the future!
I used to be *very* anti-blog in general (the internet does NOT care what you had for breakfast, people!), but eventually got sucked into RO blogs and even started one of my own (which is now huge, lol). it's a nice way to chit-chat and share stories with all of us on a daily basis, plus it can help to chronicle the re-bonding process (both for yourself and others) - you can look back and see where progress has been made and get advice when it feels like you're moving backward.
I definitely hope so, day three of Baytril today, his nose was a little moist yesterday but definitely a lot better and we're doing 10 days of the meds so we still have a way to go! I started looking through some blogs yesterday before work, so cute! I need to look through some more and will definitely look for yours! Very good thought though about the bonding, when the mounting started with them I was so sad, they had such a special bond and I thought I could get them before that all started but Braxton just became "a man" out of nowhere and was still custody of the shelter so I had to wait to neuter him through them and with Blake's medical issues causing him to need to wait, it just wasn't worth the risk, so as we work to regain that brotherly love, it definitely would be good to be able to watch the progress, and when we have bad days look at the good. The whole bonding thing scares me so much, my past bunnies Carmel (neutered Holland) and Charcoal (spayed Dutch) were supposed to be companions but Charcoal hated Carm with a vengeance, we were too scared to even let them interact without a barrier so they just lived in different rooms, that experience really scared me about bonding. I was so happy the boys were good together and now that I am facing a male/male bond I am very cautious. I am hoping the fact that they have always been in the same room, constantly smelling, seeing and hearing eachother will help me. Luckily, I have a friend from the shelter who has bonding experience with her own buns and is gonna try to help once we get there. Fingers crossed!
Happy to have joined!
sirfluffyfluffton: I absolutely appreciate it, I have a very special place in my heart for special needs and seniors! All my babies are, a cat with kitty cerebral palsy, a tri-pawd kitty, my new little rat girl is a senior rattie princess and we also a zoo of other special needs babies too! What volunteering at shelter exposes you too
But that is absolutely how you have to look at it, I work with so many special babies both from the shelter and my own furry family members and I absolutely cherish every moment I have with them all! Thanks so much for the warm welcome!!!