welcome to RO
I recommend posting in the "rabbitry and showroom" section if you have specific questions about your upcoming litters - we have lots of breeders/ex-breeders around that can give great advice.
you'll need to provide each doe with a nest box (something with this general design -
http://www.petstore.com/ware-manufa...m_campaign=mdcseshopping2&utm_content=WK01570 ). if they're first time moms, especially, they may not know what to do with the nest boxes - if they kindle outside the box, you'll need to build a nest out of hay inside the box yourself, then carefully transfer the kits + mom's fur from the nest she built into the nest box (mother rabbits will NOT reject kits because you touch them). it's very important to have them inside the box - otherwise, they could wriggle out into other areas of the cage (where they don't have the nest/their siblings to keep them warm) and die of cold because the mother is unable to move them back to the nest herself. you can (and should) gently handle the babies from the day they're born. check them daily to make sure they're all alive, warm and have big, round tummies.
if something happens and one of the moms isn't feeding her babies properly, your best option (since you have two does giving birth around the same time) is to have the other doe foster her babies. take the foster-mom-to-be out of her cage, add the new babies to her nest, give them a little time (maybe an hour) to roll around and get their scent on her kits and vice-versa, then add the mom back to the cage.
rabbits will only nurse for about 5 mins at a time 1-2x a day, usually late at night/early in the morning and the rest of the time they'll ignore the nest completely, so don't worry if you don't see her with them.