Hi everyone! I did make a previous post already, but this is my introduction.
I am new to bunnies, and we (my family) has adopted our friends' 4ish year old male. His name is Sisi, and we all love him, already. I will have tons of questions as we get to know him more, so I'm so glad I found you all! So far, everything he does gets me nervous. I hear all of these horror stories about them getting sick and being silently ill etc. He came to us in an xpen, and we successfully moved him into the entire play room. When we first brought him home he binkied all week. It actually scared me, because I had not expected him to do it. It almost looked aggressive, as he would fling himself near my head. But he's a sweet boy and gives me kisses now. Especially for cilantro. He seems to be verrrrrrry picky with food. Doesn't like his hay, and won't eat cilantro from certain stores. I'm serious. Is that even a thing?! We love him and he even lets me pull those fluffs off his bum. Here is the first setup we had. Wow, it's clean, and hay isn't everywhere! That's his running binky he did every time we let him out. He would go around and around the whole pen and then flung himself. Then he'd be pooped and lay down.