Hello all! I have two greyhounds and a cat, but not bunnies. I have worked in dog rescue (US and International) for over ten years and recently when Rescue Fatique set in, I stepped away (although I'll never drop my friends there, or my love of the animals) and am launching an online pet store. I have a full time day job, so the pet store is a part-time effort. I'm officially launching it on Monday, so wait until then for a link and details but for now I come seeking education about pet rabbits.
The vision of my shop is to sell products that promote the mental and physical well being of pets. I think rabbits are fascinating animals so I am including them in my "clientele", along with dogs, cats, birds, rats and ferrets. I've lurked here a bit to get a sense of the issues rabbit owners deal with and how to properly care for them. Is there anything in particular you guys would like to tell an outsider like me? Book recommendations? :bambiandthumper
The vision of my shop is to sell products that promote the mental and physical well being of pets. I think rabbits are fascinating animals so I am including them in my "clientele", along with dogs, cats, birds, rats and ferrets. I've lurked here a bit to get a sense of the issues rabbit owners deal with and how to properly care for them. Is there anything in particular you guys would like to tell an outsider like me? Book recommendations? :bambiandthumper