New Temporary NIC cage!

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Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2009
Reaction score
, Illinois, USA
Well due to space issues i want to have all my bunnies in the same spot. Zues and Hera's 2x4x2 is done i had enough cubes for that. For Jack and Sally since they need to be seperated till spay/nuetuer they have each temporary right now a 2x2x1 cage. Once i buy another box Jack and Sally will get a 2x2x2 cage then ill take down the barrier for them to have a 2x4x2. I also am going to add a 1x4x1 middle level for my 2 guinea pigs. Well here is the pic!



Hera is spending time bonding with Zues she is only in there with him under my supervision.
Looks good. Do the buns all use the litter boxes? Only Dillan does for me.

I need another box of grids, too. I want to give the piggies a small shelf, Keebler a shelf and the new boy a bigger cage. Keebler only has a 2 x 2 but he seems ok. He gets time out and since he came to my house from a 18" x 24" cage his current house is like a house compared to his old "one bedroom appartment", haha.
All my buns are in training of litter boxs. They will poop outside the box but will pee always in it. I even have my piggies litter trained.

Oh and i do have a cover for the cage since i ran out of pannels i forgot to mention that earlier.
Keebler is an unneutered buck living right beside Dillan who is an unneutered doe so I understand why he does not always pee in the box. I do not mind cleaning the poop, the dogs help me with that, haha, but the peeing is annoying. I currently have non-absorbing flooring for Keelber, the new bun and Dillan's bottom floor so they use the boxes for peeing. It worked with Dillan so hopefully it works for the others.

Have you consistered giving them shelves? Dillan spends much of her time on her second floor.
yes i have a cover i just took it off for the pic i ran out of pannels so i used tarp to cover it. I a going to give them shelvesi just need to buy more pannels.

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