Thanks,Yes it makes me very angry at the breeders.One of them was dead this morning,I took pictures,It had been dead awhile seeing it was cold and hard.It has little brown spec's All over it,Im thinking the parasites turning looose of the rabbit not that there host is dead.I can post a picture later.The other is in its cage not eating and it is drinking water,It sits in there with its eyes closed.Im in the country and have no vets close by at all.I dont drive and my Husband has to be at work.So im really in a spot.I do have probious
tonyshuman wrote:
tonyshuman wrote:
I'm not familiar with the eye issues, but the suggestions already put forth are good, like fur mites, lice, fleas, mange, papilloma, syphillis, etc.
I worry a lot about the diarrhea, because that can be fatal quite quickly in younger bunnies. It sounds like these bunnies were raised in a really bad situation. There are lots of intestinal parasites and overgrowth of some bacteria may need to be treated by a vet. Give just hay, and push the fluids. Pedialyte can also help. Also, probiotics like Bene-Bac or Probios will help. It may take vet help though to get over the diarrhea. I think their problems are bad enough to warrant emergency vet care, but that's just me and you may not have that available.