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Perfect. I think I posted a while back asking for the unrecognized possibilities of some colors, so if you've a list that would be great.
Then would I be able to just duplicate that list for Lionheads? I know dwarves come in like, a bajillion colors.

Do you have the option of just typing in the variety? That way you don't have to worry about the unrecognized ones.
The thing is with that.... Iv'e seen people make some stuff up, and the point of having them all listed is so we have something official and set for people to choose from. And when you get those funky colors you may not be used to, it's easier to have to choose between 2-3 possibilities than to figure it out.

Also if we allow people to just type something in, it could really mess up the search functions, as you have to account for typos and the fact that some colors, though the same, are called by different terminology and vary from breed to breed (Chestnut, Gray, Sandy?).

We're trying to keep everything kind of set so we dont run into errors int he future especially with the search function. Until I get all the colors officially listed in the MM, yeah there's going to be a bit of a bump for some people to hop over but, I'm considering not a HUGE issue right at this second, and i'm thinking once the MM really starts being used and gaining in popularity and we do get all those colors in there, that things will run a little smoother.

We're trying to make this as user friendly as possible, which means i'm accommodating a large variety of people. I have a lot of n00bs using the software that are really just starting out in rabbits. Identifying colors can be a real pain. Especially when the same colros vary in terminology from breed to breed. I'd like this to also in a sense get peopel familiar with the breeds they have decided to keep and to educate them on little things like this.

I did like how Evans had all the colors listed when you wanted to input a color, however every color was listed for every breed all the time. I'll admit I was a bit ovrewhelmed as I hadn't even heard of most of them. I wanted to simplify things a bit by only really listing possible colors for that breed to make it a little easier to navigate.
I have no school today, (well, actually I have the stomach flu, so. XD) so if you do want a list, I could start going through and finding what you don't have for each breed. Or atleast nethies and lionheads, if all the breeds are too many. XD
Well if you've got the barfs dont do work stuff!
But if and when you're feeling up to it, a list of the unrecognized colors of Dwarf would be helpful to me. 'Official' terminology and spelling is goign to be very important.

Things like 'Himi' 'Himalayan' 'Pointed white' and 'californian', i've heard all of these refer to the same color. I'm sure it varies with the breed but I'm considering the issue with the search option....if someone was looking for a 'himi' mini rex, but someone had been allowed to type in their own color and had written 'pointed white', it wouldn't show up in your search and you could miss out on a lot of good bunnies. In turn the writer may not have as many people able to view their for sale rabbits.

And I dont want people to search for 'Sandy' colored rabbits and the search will also turn up all the Gray Dutch and Chestnut lops because someone didn't use the official terminology for their breed.
Oh noooe. I woke up with it at 2 am. The barf parts done. I'm sitting here bored to tears, so I'm doing all of them anyway. Whether you use my list or not is up to you. XDDD But no worries. I'm getting it all down breed by breed, by what it'd be called by... The breeders of the breed. TOO MANY WORDS OMG.
Yeah I know, it's probably infuriating work but I appreciate your help, truly madly deeply I do. And i will definitely use your list, even if I have only to add to it later, any little bit will help.

You could perhaps post it here, and perhaps Pam Nock, genetics and rabbit color Identifier extraordinaire, can edit if needed?

The problem with trying to do the genotypes is that some varieties, such as frosty, can have a lot of different variations (there are at least 9 in the frosty).

More customizable backgrounds for your MM page! also now your MM page has it's own official web address, so you can put this on your business cards and other advertisements, etc. It's a complete web page that you can manage and update on your very own.

Now you will be sent email notifications to remind you when you have does due, and when you have received messages from other breeders.

We have a lot of great pages being made by breeders and we're getting a lot of positive feedback!

We're working now to make pedigrees more customizable and to get the My Rabbitry page up and running, so you can type a little bit about yourself and your mission, add pictures of your daughter's big win or what have you.

And even non users can access our database, so even if you dont want an MM account, you can still use it to search for breeders and for sale rabbits or to track down one of your own rabbits you may have sold to see who now owns it, grantedt he new owner uses MM.

We're also in the process of implementing a referral program, so that you can refer people to MM and once they pay for an account, you are granted the perks of free months off your membership.

I'm looking for some more places to advertise....any ideas? I'll be submitting some ads to Domestic Rabbits and the Dutch reporter soon.
i tried the free account but it never worked. could never get the rabbits on there or couldnt do anything
Where the buttons just not working for you? We did have some glitches and our web hosting service was being really slow for a while. We had another girl who was using a mac and we hadn't accounted for that. But It all seems to be up and running just fine now if you wanted to try again.
I think my account free trial has ended.. I tried so many times to work it and its wouldn't.. Oh well
Alrighty, you still had a month left before your free account expired, but I fully renewed it to 60 days again. I'm PMing you your username and password to make sure you can get logged in, if you're still having trouble, let me know.

In your My Account details on the left side, you can fill out your general info o other breeders can find you and so you can know how far away you are from other breeders when you search, and the "Visual Style' option is a skin selection for your page to make it pretty. There's a decent selectio nto pick from but we'll be adding many more later.

Afterwards, go to the My Herd page and click the ADD RABBIT option at the top just under the heading, and there you go!


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