I have a picture of our new rabbit we just gottoday about an hour ago.We got it from our neighbor next door,he hadasked us at the beginning of the week if we had any rabbit food,becausehe knew we had Pepper,but he didn't know he died until we told him,whenhe asked for the rabbit food,for his rabbit.Our neighbor,just got therabbit,when he asked us for the rabbit food.The neighbor had gotten therabbit from one of his friends.Then,today he came over and wanted toknow if we wanted the rabbit,because he couldn't afford the cage forhim.So,we took him,we couldn't say no.The neighbor told us the rabbitis 5 months and it's a male.From the picture of him I think he's alop.Does anybody have any ideas on names for him.Our neighbor didn'ttell us his name,so we're going to come up with one.