New Rabbit Mommy

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New Member
Aug 24, 2013
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My name is Angie. I'm the proud new owner of two 1 year old lionhead rabbits. Both are "supposed" to be female. (find out in a few weeks lol)
This is my first adventure in keeping rabbits.
I would welcome any advice you have to offer.
Thank you!
I would suggest to not put them together until you find out their gender or spay/neuter them. If they are opposite gender than they can reproduce very quickly, and if they are the same gender they can fight which can permanently ruin their friendship.
Good luck!
They do fight so they are sepperated. I'm kind of wanting to get some more rabbits later down the road. Any suggestions on what breed.
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I absolutely adore Holland Lops. I've tried different breeds but Holland Lops have always been my favorite. They are just OH so cute and unique with their ears! They are also small, but not small where they are skittish and antsy all the time. They always have amazing and unique personalities also. My rabbit Barlow is the most laid back rabbit in the world and my rabbit Byron never stops binkying. I love them so much that I actually opened my own rabbitry this summer. I am super excited! As to what gender, I love both, but I have had better luck with males :) Good luck!
:yeahthat:Ours are all rescues from a 3 pound REW to a 20 pound Checkered Giant. They are all great bunnies, so it's hard to pick out a particular breed and say "this is the one". I am more partial to the ones that make us work harder (problem children) though--greater effort=greater reward.

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