She looks a lot like the teddy lionheads from the earlier gene pool that most folks have tried to breed out. I had several teddies with that much fur (and the face and ears look right too) a few years ago - thinking 6 maybe?
Here's the thing about lionheads though - they are still such a "breed in progress" and I don't mean that by ARBA standards and passing at convention, etc.
What I mean is - the first lionheads that came to the states were much larger than they are now. They had longer heads that were more narrow than they are today - and longer ears - often with wool all the way up the ears.
To get them to be smaller - breeder bred in Netherland Dwarfs....and some breeders bred in holland lops (not as much as netherlands) to bring in better bone structure/larger bones.
The lionheads that are out now are more "cat-like" in look - at least when it comes to the ears.
If you go to the North American Lionhead Rabbit club website and look at old photos - you can see how they changed.
For example - 2005: album.htm
Take a look at the BOB (chestnut buck) who might well be laughed off the table now.
You can see them becoming more "upright" in 2007:
Now look at 2009 where they winners are more upright in the way they stand:
You can go year by year at this page:
Now this is PERSONAL OPINION only....most of the rabbits through the time Gail Gibbons was COD holder - including her rabbits- were longer in body and was after Theresa Mueller took over (and through Theresa's lines and those who used her lines) that you started to see the upright body. I think Dawn Gunther also did a lot of breeding of this "style" of lionhead. I know a lot of nice rabbits came from PA and OH along with the Northwest area of the country too.
Hope this helps.