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**ruffles through phonebook.....if only.....AhA!** **sneaks over to dajeti2's house, steals Harlequin plan book, and"borrows" a few harlequins from the addresses!!**

Hehe, they're SO beautiful. I wish i could have a lop, or a harlequin, although, like i said, i want them all!:cool:

I am finding that they may be a bit morethan Jeremy is ready for as a first time breed. I'm hoping not. Therehappens to be a breeder in Conn. The jury is still out.

I can't get over how pretty they are.Oh, how wonderful. You toa rabbit show which are fun anyway and get to see something sodifferent. I can't wait to see them myself.

The Harli Dutches are so cool! I want one lolUnfortunately I can't get another breedat the moment:(Thoughfrom what I've seen/read the Harli color is the hardest color to workwith since the pattern needs to be just right, same with the breed.
Bramble Briar86 wrote:
**ruffles through phonebook.....if only.....A hA!** **sneaksover to dajeti2's house, steals Harlequin plan book, and "borrows" afew harlequins from the addresses!!**

:shock:Back away from the book. We can talk this out and nobody gets thumped. :p

I say we get Harlequin Lops great big ones. I know harlequin Flemish:shock:OMG that'd be cool:D

I so hope you get one!! If you do you will haveto post pictures RIGHT AWAY!! I had a dutch, they are so cool andreally easy to breed (supposed to be great mothers)! Did you know thereis a netherland dutch. A mix of a netherland dwarf and a dutch!! Reallysmall but same marking!
I was going to ask you about that. I sawsome the most beautiful mini rex and they had the samemarkings as Nepo. They were gorgeous. I Love the Harlequinsand when combined with the Dutch, I love them. I am still reading aboutthem.

Hey, I am in the mini-rex breed, maybe I shouldlook into a harlequin. They are so beautiful. Right now I own a castorbroken female, a red male, and am expecting babies from the female!!Can't wait but I don't know how to palpate!!
dajeti2 wrote:
Bramble Briar86 wrote:
**rufflesthrough phonebook.....if only.....A hA!** **sneaks over to dajeti2'shouse, steals Harlequin plan book, and "borrows" a few harlequins fromthe addresses!!**

:shock:Back away from the book. We can talk this out and nobody gets thumped. :p

I say we get Harlequin Lops great big ones. I know harlequin Flemish:shock:OMG that'd be cool:D


Ha! I just now read up on this thread right now. I'm in a very bad,depressed mood at the moment...any little thing that would cheer me upis SO helpful.

