This may sound cold, but I have ZERO sympathy for a family that WILLINGLY chooses to have baby after baby after baby
when they cannot financially support them and could easily access birth control but choose not to for religious reasons and instead uses public assistance and donations.
It's practically guaranteed they used public assistance before the show. And I'm sorry, but that is really wrong. The only reason the Duggar family can survive now is because of their show and the tons of money from TLC. And let's not forget.. it is 18 kids AND COUNTING... they have no intention of stopping, the mother is already pregnant with #19. I think that is so beyond wrong in this day in age. But to do that and use public assistance when there are families that have 1 baby with serious health problems and desperately needs public assistance, they should get it..
not a family that chooses to have tons of kids they cannot possibly take care of. And what kind of future are these kids going to have when their parents cannot pay for any of them to go to college? It is wildly irresponsible to me.
Ok, rant over, lol.