New Oxbow Hay

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Well..... Bo sneezed all the time when I gave him hay. It could be he's allergic to horses??? :shock::D

We have the wheat allergy drama here also! :disgust:Seems everyone has it.

I had a bad allergy to yeast as a kid, but it's pretty well over now. I think I desensitized myself.

I've heard of bunnies allergic to cats! I think somebody here who works with a shelter had a rabbit that had to be moved away from the cat cages. :D
I can't eat apples (unless I want a major tummy ache and ... um... other problems). :embarrassed:

And when I chop up tomatoes, I get exzema. When I was a kid, I couldn't do dishes because the dish soap did the same thing, but sadly, I grew out of that one. :saddened (Not that I always admit to it). :whistling


When you say a wheat allergy do you mean Celiac's disease? My dad suffers from that, as well as he is allergic to a lot of fruits and vegetables unless cooked. So a lot of the stuff that he can eat for his Celiac's is out of the question because of his allergies to other foods. I feel so bad for him!

Luckily none of mine are allergic to hay. And more often than not it's not an allergy to hay (or else they couldn't eat it) but an allergy to the dust which is why shaking the hay out and misting with water helps allergies.
Believe me, I wish I weren't intolerant to wheat...or corn :? For me, wheat affects me like a drug: I get really tired, spacey, and irritable. I feel like I'm in a mental fog. I'm glad to see that food allergies are finally getting some attention, because I believe they're more prevalent than people care to realize.

Neither of the bunnies have allergies, though one of my mice has seasonal allergies that we've been treating him for. The poor guy gets runny, itchy eyes and sinus irritation so bad he digs at his ears :( Lemme just say, Green Mush is a miracle product.

And to get slightly back on subject, Oxbow's Orchard Grass is a staple around here :cool:
Yeah, Celiac is what I am talking about. I don't mean to make light of it, I know it's awful - we just have a few....... hollywood illness type people around here.

I need to be allergic to yeast again - I like bread too much! :?

My bunnies don't like Orchard Grass - the pig does.

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