NEW MEMBERS (Feb. 2006 - Jan. 2007) CLOSED

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:wave:Hi Brandon and welcome to you and your bunnies

Ohh my gosh..what a gorgeous bunch of bunnies you have! i am soo in love with them all!.

I especially love Holly..her colouring is very pretty

Anyway i'm looking forward to hearing more about this good looking bunch of bunnies :)


:wave:Hi Jenna and welcome!

Your two girls are so cute!

Also if you need to find outJosephine's colour,you can post amessage in the rabbitry and someone will most definitely have some kindof an idea:)

Oh ialso have a Josephine..i call her Josie for short :)


Hi Jenna!! Welcome to you and your bunny girls!

I have a Maisie, too, though obviously I spell itdifferently. Her and your bun are as opposite as two bunscould look, though, hehe! My Maisie is a chinchilla-coloredbun, and is just under 5lbs. :)

As far as Josephine's coloring, you can always post something in TheRabbitry section of the forum. There are lots of breedersthat go to that particular section, and will know quite easily whatcoloring your girl is. :)

Here's a link to that section:

Feel absolutely free to post any and all questions you might have,whether about bonding, or whatever's on your mind!:) We're all a big family here on RO, and are here for oneanother. :)

Look forward to seeing you around!

Thanks for the welcome. It is strange gettingresponded to so quickly. I also belong to RU, which is British based,so everyone is always asleep when I make posts there!

And the bunnies say thank you for all of the lovely compliments:D
Oh yes...we are very much a family here at RO. :) You'll love it here! :D

jennawing wrote:
Thank you, Rosie andcheryl for the welcome! I will definitely ask on the breeding post ifanyone can tell me her exact color! Very friendly here! :D
Hey all, I'm Sarah and I've got 24 rabbits....

Chester, Peter, Splits,and Snuffleupagus (name was a joke atfirst) are siblings and Flemish Giants, their mum is Ellie. Then thereis Little Moose, who is named after his father, whom we miss very much,and his mum Cadbury. Then there is Dusty and his daughter Creame Puff.There is also Scribbles and CiCi.

Then we have Fizzy (a blue dutch) and her three little ones:Fluffykins, Little Spot, and Tubby who's father is Chunk. Then Zane, ablack Dutch. Then Pickle and Onion who are Torte Dutch. And Winkie aHarleqin Dutch. All of the dutch are my brother's so he's thereason they have odd names... LOL

Then there is Cinnamon a Harleqin Mini Rex that is my sister's. Ferguswho is a Cal. Mini Lop mix, and Liono who is a Lionhead also mybrother's.... That's us... LOL
Hi everyone my name is Jackie and Iam new! Hopefully this is in the right spot! I have 20 bunnies,although most I have rescued from abusive and neglectful homes. Theirnames are Rosaline, Augustus(Gus), Houdini (Hod), Swirl, Cocoa, Angel,Duchess, Zeus, Panda, Sugar, Ewok, Einstein, Lady, Winter Warlock (Wintor War), and 6 babies which were born just two days ago!

I too joined another site and was verbally abused forhaving so many! They said that I was unloving and irresponsible forletting them become pregnant, if they would have given me a chance toexplain that most are pregnant when I get them they would see that Iwould never breed bunnies, without proper care, commitment, andabsolute certainty that I could give them great homes! I love all mybabies and they too get to roam the house quite often. I am hoping toget some advise and help when I have questions and a friend recommendedthis site. One of my babies appeared sick a couple weeks ago and Irushed her to the vet, they told me she had the snuffles! They alsosaid she would probably be dead in a matter of days. I refused tobelieve them and I spent much time nursing her back to health. She hasgained some weight and I am taking her back to that vet in a coupledays. All her baytril is gone and I am anxious to see what the vetsays! I am open and egger for advise and I hope everyone understandshow much I love my babies!:bunnydance:
Welcome to the forum, Rascallywabbit!

Don't worry, nobody here will yell at you for taking in pregnantrabbits. It's not your fault if they come to you pregnant,and sometimes accidents do happen when you're taking inrescues. You're doing a great thing helping those bunnies!

I don't know much about baby rabbits, but we have some veryknowledgeable breeders here. Just post any questions you havein the Rabbitry section. There's also a lot of info in RabbitHealth References (medical problems and caring for ill rabbits) andBunny 101 (general topics such as feeding, cages, litter, behavior,etc).

I'd love to hear more about your buns- they have some great names!:D Any chance of pictures?
Hi, Sarah! Welcome to the forum!!

My, you have so many bunnies! You must be in absolute heaven! :)

You should post some pics of them (if you haven't already)!

Hi Jackie!! Welcome to the forum!!

Wow...I would LOVE to have so many bunnies!! Don't worry, youwon't encounter any flaming or unkind words here at RO. Theadmin here goes a long way toward ensuring only kind or constructivewords are said here. I think you'll really love's so full of such kind people, we're like a big ol'bunny-loving (as well as other animals) family! :)

So, without further ado, welcome to the RO Family!! :D

Many hugs,


P.S. I'm so sorry you had a bad experience on that other site. :(
Welcome to Rabbits Only at!:welcome1

Pleaseintroduce yourself and your rabbit(s) here!

Once you do that, feel freeto start your own 'Bunny Blog' in the Bunny Blogs Forum.

If you have any questions, please post them in the Rabbits Only Forumsection (for general chat aboutrabbits), About the Forum(questions or comments about the forum),or Off Topic (if it'snot rabbits or forum related).

Thank you and enjoy your stay!!

(And if anyone's looking for an older post, you may want to try the New Members 2006 thread!)

RO Staff :wave::group:

Welcome to all the new members!

The new year is approaching (and has already approached in some partsof the world!) so we're phasing out this thread in favor of NEW MEMBERS2007. Feel free to respond to any of the posts in thisthread, but we'll be asking new members from this point on to PLEASEPOST IN THE NEW MEMBERS 2007 THREAD INSTEAD!!

Here's the link:

Thanks, and :happynewyear:
Thanks everyone forthe kind welcomes, I love my babies and they are doing great! I do notknow all the breeds I have but I do know that Zeus and Angel are rex.Cocoa and Swirl are both lops, I'm still trying to figure out whatkind. They are huge and still young! I have many types too,including Himalayan and Angora. I am still getting theirpictures and once I get them up I am hoping some people can tell mewhat their breed is, I am particularly curious about Duchess!:D

I am so excited to share my bunnies'photos, and show their cuteness! Hopefully they'll be upsoon!


p.s. The 6 babies are doing great, she seemedstressed because she hadn't made a nest and the babies were scatteredso I made a nest for her and gathered them up, she seems happier nowand has customized the nest with a little touch of Sugar.
Hello Everyone,
My names Lara, My bunny is Bangbang.
She came into my life a year ago, I like to think her as my littleangel sent down for what was going to be a tough time. A few weeksafter I adopted her my beloved dog passed away. We had been anddoggy-person bliss for 12 years, since I was 8 years old and even now Imiss him so much. Bangbang was my little beacon of light, she was thereto comfort me, make me laugh and help fill in the void he left.
She is a strong, intelligent and caring soul whom I absolutely adore!!!!!
My friends and family have all grown to love her as well, she is such a character.
She shares her home with a Guinea Pig called Endo who Bangbang likes tothink of as her Pet. She’s in love with my Cat, unfortunately my catthinks Bangbang is the most evil creature ever, but deep down I knowshe loves her!
We live in Western Australia where I work in a vet clinic doing doggrooming. I’m a student on break at the moment, not sure what I’ll endup doing but I’m positive it will involve animals.
Bangbang is awesome; I think that about sums her up!
So hello and looking forward to talking rabbit!

Hey Lara and Bangbang (great name!). :welcome1

And :happynewyear:

I'm going to move your introductory postso you'll be thefirst entry in our 2007 New Members thread that I just putup. Your post is great, great example of anintroduction. :)

Again, welcome to Rabbits Only! Really glad to have you here. Nose pats for Bangbang!

sas :) and the gang:bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance:

:colors::colors::colors:Welcome Lara:colors::colors::colors:

And congrats on posting the first intro of '07!


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