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Hi i'm from england and i bought a rabbit (westill have no name for her yet)for my 1 year oldson foreaster and she has became member of the family already.Sheenjoys lots of fuss and atention and if she dosent get itthen she will nudge you till she gets some. She also likes to run fullspeed around the house gettin tired and laying down infront of the T.V.entill we put her in the hutch for the night.

She is a nutter.

Any suggestions on a cool name

i say nudge but my missus says fluffy.

Ihave not pics yet sorry but she looks exactlylike another rabbit on the forum called Ryo.
Hi, I'm Will.

I own a white and orange major atittude holland lop, will be 3 yearsold in august. His name is Timmy, and he's the most adorable rabbitever, of course! :bunnydance:

Glad to be here.

- Will
Welcome to all the new members. Sorry for some of you that have joined awhile back. But welcome anyways.

Karine, I wonder what the babies looked like. Wow I am glad that themum are doing ok as well. So much for a surprise after coming home fromthe hospital in a few days.:bunnydance:
my name is Nina, i am from slovenia and i am very happy that i came across your forum:D
my ickle baby was born on 10th of april and is two weeks old today.he/she(dont know yet) has black spots like dalmatian and lightr brownpatches:Dcutie:D
today when i went there to cuddle him/her i put him on the grass tocatch some sun:D and i was so surprised when he ate an dandelion:shock: dont have experiences with baby rabbits but i toughtthat they cant eat other than milk yet:dunno::D
welln i dont know which breed he is .... something large i believe cuz mommy weighs 4 kg and daddy around 5kg:shock:

say hello to all your bunnies and have fun

Hi - I am Elf Mommy's sister. Last week sheposted pictures of a beautiful baby bunny named Beauty. Alas, she was asick bunny from the beginning and passed away yesterday.

To make a long story short, we bought her after a lizard death. We havehad a bunny in the past and I grew up with my sister's many bunnies soI knew what to do. I did not expect to get a sick bunny. After thinkingabout it, I realized buying a bunny the day beforeEaster wasnot really smart. Beauty was probably too young but taken away from itsmother just for the sell near the holiday.

We were given another bunny after many promises of good health. We weregiven a larger bunny with fluffy fur and floppy ears. After looking itup it appears to be a Sooty Fawn Mini Holland Lop. I could be wrong butI am sure someone here will set me straight. We are also pretty sureshe is a she.

I am happy to say this bunny poops (the other one did not), and poops,and poops. She also hops about and kicks at times to get away (theother one was VERY calm and just stayed seated whenever someone camenear it). She is already looking for people to pet her when we comenear her cage. She also comes near us when we let her out of the cage.

She looks like a Cinnabun - swirls of dark and light brown. The earsdown even help her look more like the food. Hence the name - Cinnabunny.

Hope to talk to you bunny experts soon!
A warm :welcometolittleCinnabunny and herhumans!

So sorry about little Beauty :bunnyangel:that's so sad.:tears2:

I knowall thebunnyslaves here will doeverything possible tomakeCinnabunny's hopefullylong tenure a happier experience.

Looking forward to your posts.:kiss:

sas :), pipp :bunny19, dill :brownbunny, darry and radar :toastingbunsand sherry :bunny24the FOSTERbun

PS::hello to all the newbies we've missed! It's been a busy week!
Hi my name is Kerrie. I have aHOlland lop rabbit named Hopper, and a California mix named Black earsOreo (my kids named him). I logged onto this forum for helpwith Oreo. Our rabbits have homes inside andoutsideso they can enjoy theweather when its niceout. They are both males and got alonggreatforone year and now they want to fightso I had toseperate them. I am considering finding a new home for Oreobecause we purchased him to be Hoppers compangion, and now they dontlike eachother. They have a huge outdoor 12x12 pen to enjoythey sunshine andnow theydont likeeachother. I hate to crate them and they pee allover eachother too-----its a if anyone is inNW Illinois and is interested in Oreo let me know please. Heis bright white with black ears and a few poka dots. I wouldreally miss him but I dont want them to hurt eachother or continue tospray urine across the room at eachother!!! Help me if you can!!
No nither of them is neutered. I stayat home and my husband wont pay for me to neuter the rabbits.So Im not really sure what I should do at this point. I usedto let them have roam of the house and use a litter box but now withthem spraying eachother that came to a screeching hault. Imreally which direction to go with this.........have two that i have tocrate or rehome one and have one that gets free roam of the house??/
:welcome to the forum!!! How large is yourhouse? Could you have one rabbit live upstairs and one downstairs.Possibly you could cage them in separate rooms and allow them separateplay time. I have my rabbit's cage in our bedroom which is her homebaseand while I am home the door stays open so she can roam on the mainfloor. At night the cage door gets shut otherwise she is just tooinsecure and destructive. If I had a second rabbit, I would just limither time in the entire main floor so the other bun would have freetime. It is a shame that they are urinating on each other. I saw yourpost in the rescue section - maybe we can help. Do you have a picture?Good luck, hope you post again. Check out the resource section on theHome page. :brownbunny
Hi, everyone! I'm thinking about getting arabbit in the next few months, and I'm here to look for info on findingand house-training a bunny. I know very little about rabbits,but I just adore them, and some people I used to live with kept one...but I didn't think that bunny got the best care.

I'm an animal lover ... I have 3 small birds (cockatiels and a budgie),and they are very friendly / well socialized. I'm the type who learnseverything about a subject to prepare; i.e., I got to know so muchabout cockatiels that they eventually made me moderator of a cockatielchat online! :)

Anyway, I adore my sweet feathered friends, and I would like a sweetfuzzy friend, too. I refuse to get a dog or cat because I amafraid they might eat my birds. That's what got me thinking about howmuch I liked my former roommates' bunny, and that it could be reallygreat to get one.

So I'd love to hear your suggestions on the types of pet bunnies outthere (i know they vary very much in size--from pygmies on up), prosand cons of the different types, thoughts on buying babies vs. adoptingrescues, where to find a bunny (i assume there are breeders out therewho are better than pet stores--as well as rescue organizations?),housetraining a bunny (i want him or her to hop freely in my home, aslong as it's safe for the bunny), and houseproofing (I was thinking ofhiding all the wires in PVC pipes--anyone have any better answers?).

Thanks so much! I'm glad I found you all here. This seems like a great board. :bunnydance:
Hi RCH! Welcome to the forum! :wave:

I could write a book on my opinions of what you asked. I'm,uh, rather opinionated.;) But I'm only one person.I think it would be cool if you made a thread about your questions inthe general forum, so more people will notice and chime in.Especially with deciding to get a bunny from a rescue or abreeder. We have all types of bunny parents here.I'm one of the gung-ho adopt-an-animal types. Although Ithink breeders are great if you really want a specific, especially morerare, breed. Many of the most popular breeds such as dutch,holland lops, mini rex, lionheads, etc. are common inshelters. Babies can often be found in rescues too.

There's also gobs of info in Bunny 101, such as this bunny proofing thread:
Bunny Proofing Your Home

Personally, I use the spiral electrical cord wraps that can be found atHome Depot. My rabbits have left the wires alone since we putthem on.

Have fun learning, and don't be afraid to ask questions!
Hi there, I joined these forums a few days ago.I am the proud owner of Dodge the Dwarf lop, Stew the mini/holland lop,and their 7 week old baby boy Gingernut :)

Stew is in the first pic, Dodge is in the second and Gingernut is inthe third. Sorry that first one is so huge, I tried to shrink it but itlooked really crappy when I did that.





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