Well-Known Member
SOOOSKA wrote:
thanks for the "bonbon love"!
Snickie and BonBon are bonded and have free run of mybedroom. Opie isn't bonded to them and has free run of thelivingroom/diningroom. They use to be bonded but Opie has aheart condition so while I was taking care of her, she was separatedfrom the other 2 and then became unbonded (Snickie is really protectiveof her man) and I decided not to stress Opie out more by trying tore-bond. Right now the situation works best foreverybun, but I would like to rebond someday, maybe when I moveinto another apt or house (for the neutral territory).
I hope you will try to bond your buns. Bonded buns are soprecious to watch together esp more than a pair! but bondingis a process so be prepared for the time and patience it needs so thatno one gets frustrated.
** thanks everybunny for the warm welcome!! **
Hi SooskaHi Bunnyslave,
Your Bunnies are adorable. Can I adopt BonBon? LOLWow is he cute.
Do they all get along? We have 4 bunnies two are together andthe other two are by themselves. Well one of them is alwayswith my husband & I in the family room. Daisy Mae isin the computer room so we are with her alot. I'm reallythinking of trying to bond Daisy Mae & Buttercup.
thanks for the "bonbon love"!
Snickie and BonBon are bonded and have free run of mybedroom. Opie isn't bonded to them and has free run of thelivingroom/diningroom. They use to be bonded but Opie has aheart condition so while I was taking care of her, she was separatedfrom the other 2 and then became unbonded (Snickie is really protectiveof her man) and I decided not to stress Opie out more by trying tore-bond. Right now the situation works best foreverybun, but I would like to rebond someday, maybe when I moveinto another apt or house (for the neutral territory).
I hope you will try to bond your buns. Bonded buns are soprecious to watch together esp more than a pair! but bondingis a process so be prepared for the time and patience it needs so thatno one gets frustrated.
** thanks everybunny for the warm welcome!! **