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Dec 5, 2006
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Hello, I am Steph. Someone emailed me earlier and told me about this forum. I am surprised I didn't know about it until now!

Anyway, I run a small animal rescue(mostly rabbits) and have two of my own because they are special needs bunnies.

Spike is a 5 year old neutered min lop boy who came from an abusivesituation. We tried to adopt him out but he did not respond well andanother time he went to a pet sitters and didn't respond well. He isperfect here!

Tippy is a 2 year old NZ with maloclussion. He is with us because wehave to trim his teeth every two weeks. He is the most cuddlybunny!

Hi...I am volunteer staff at a humane society insouth west Wi. and work only with the small animals. I have 6 bunnies 3of which are from my shelter... 2 I took off death row. I amreally into rescue and just love rabbits. You are going to love RO.Welcome!!:D
Hi Steph andwelcome!:welcome1:highfive::party:

Your bunnies sound wonderful. :DICant wait to seesome pics and I look forward to chatting with you. You must be veryknowledgable from your experiences running a rescue.

Again, welcome! :group:

Thanks all! As soon as I get a chance I willpost some pics. I just used the new photostamp feature and boughtstamps with my Spike's picture on them as well. Can't wait until I getthem in the mail!
Hi Steph. (That was me that sent the invite).

I did put some info in the Holiday Giving Forumfor youalready, but feel free to post follow up or anything else you want inthere.

I'm surprised more rescue places aren't takingadvantage.It's hard to get the word out,none of the lists will allow me to post the invite to rescuers (otherthan the RabbitRescuers group, andno one responded.Guess they're all over worked with way too manybunnies andother things on their plate. (Wait... that doesn'tsound right! :shock: I must reword that!)

Love to see how the photo stamp turns out!


Hi Steph! Welcome to the forum! :wave2

I'd love to hear more about your buns, permanent and temporary. It sounds like you're doing some great work!
Hi! Welcome to the forum!

We're so happy to have another bunny rescue person on the site! The more, the better, I say!

Welcome to your two cuties, too! We look forward to seeing LOTS of pictures of them! :D



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