New member, question about breed

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Mar 31, 2005
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Hi! I am a new member to this forum, my babybunnies name is Dakota and she is almost one years, I adopted her fromone of my local animal shelters. She is my second rabbit the first oneI owned lived to eight and half years old and was greatly missed whenhe passed away. My mother has also recently adopted two baby bunniesfrom the animal shelter! A boy and girl named Benny and Joon.

This is a picture of my rabbit:

I know that she is a rex, but I was wondering if there was a way youcould tell if they are a mix or purebred. This picture is from when Ifirst got her around four months old, she weighs about four pounds nowso I am assuming she would be a mini rex.
Thanks a lot!
Yes, I would definitley guess mini-rex, she's gotthe rex nose and the plush fur...where did you get her from?If you got her from a pet store, there is a chance she couldbe mixed with something else....I love her coloring! You saidshe weighs 4 old is she? I think (I'm not sure)mini-rexes grow up to be around 5 pounds, but I could be wrong....Ihave a standard rex, and they grow to be around 7-10 pounds...he'salmost 5 months and weighs 5 pounds...

Welcome to the forum!!

What a pretty bunny! My guess is that she is a pure mini rex, but I'mnot positive. Female mini rex usually weigh around 4.5 lbs. and malesaround 4 lbs., but from what I've read, mini rex often don't fit in thebreed standard.

I have 2 mini rex and a mini rex mix. Basil is the mini rex in myavatar. She has that really plush, dense, velvet fur. Saphy is herhubby (well, he will be) I don't have any pictures of him on here yet,but I'm going to try to get some tonight. He has some curl to his fur,but I'm pretty sure that's just because he is a baby. Orion is my minirex mix. He has fur just like my other bunnies. It is soft, but nothinglike the rex fur. I also have 2 rex rats -- they have that awesome furtoo. I love lop bunnies and would probably have only had them, but Ihave a weakness for that fur. LOL So, now I love them so much and I'vemade my friends love them so much, I'm going to get into breeding. LOL

DownEastFarMiniLops wrote:
He/She is a Castor Mini Rex. Becauseofher age she is a Mini Rex and not a Rex. Good luck with her.


Mini Rex and Rex are two different breeds -- age is not the factor :)

I got her from the Concord Animal Shelter in NH.I'm not sure where they got them from, they just said that they wereabandoned.
She will be 1 years old on April first. I havent weighed her in awhilebut I am approximating 4lbs, it could be a little less but probably nota whole lot more.

Thanks a lot for your response!