Hello everyone! My name is Leeah and I have a little bun names cuddles.
I don't like to keep him in a cage. So what I do instead is I keep hislitter box food/water in the bathroom, and keep him in there if I'm nothome. Otherwise I try to let him run around and play with the kitties(of whom he LOVES, and they love him. One actually will sit and meowoutside the bathroom door if cuddles is in there).
We got him from a petstore in town. When we brought him home, he waspretty calm. You could pet him but from the very beginning he didn'treally want to be picked up. Which we were ok with and assumed wasbecause we got him from a pet store.
At first, he was really good about running around the apartment. Onlytook him a couple of days to realize where his "litter box" was andwhat to do in there. Although he had a little trouble but I found if Isat his food bowl inside the box (I just use a normal cat litter box)it cut back on about 98% of the problems he was having. But then itjust got out of control, and he just completely disregarded thelitterbox all together.
So, I've been trying to keep him in the bathroom more, and we bring himout for a few hours every night, and he plays with the kitties and thekitties always go into the bathroom to play with him. But he STILLjust... doesn't ever seem to LEARN the whole litterbox thing, exceptfor when he's kept in the bathroom? And even then, if I try to let himout for a few days to see how he does it's like starting over fromSCRATCH.
Another issue is he can be pretty anti-social with my boyfriend& I. Not with the cats, though! He freaking wrestles with themand chases them up and over any and everything!
Do you guys have any pointers as to how to get him completely litterbox trained, as well as get him to be more social? We never corner himand pick him up and make him let us hold him, we're always gentle andslow.
Any help would be great!

I don't like to keep him in a cage. So what I do instead is I keep hislitter box food/water in the bathroom, and keep him in there if I'm nothome. Otherwise I try to let him run around and play with the kitties(of whom he LOVES, and they love him. One actually will sit and meowoutside the bathroom door if cuddles is in there).
We got him from a petstore in town. When we brought him home, he waspretty calm. You could pet him but from the very beginning he didn'treally want to be picked up. Which we were ok with and assumed wasbecause we got him from a pet store.
At first, he was really good about running around the apartment. Onlytook him a couple of days to realize where his "litter box" was andwhat to do in there. Although he had a little trouble but I found if Isat his food bowl inside the box (I just use a normal cat litter box)it cut back on about 98% of the problems he was having. But then itjust got out of control, and he just completely disregarded thelitterbox all together.
So, I've been trying to keep him in the bathroom more, and we bring himout for a few hours every night, and he plays with the kitties and thekitties always go into the bathroom to play with him. But he STILLjust... doesn't ever seem to LEARN the whole litterbox thing, exceptfor when he's kept in the bathroom? And even then, if I try to let himout for a few days to see how he does it's like starting over fromSCRATCH.
Another issue is he can be pretty anti-social with my boyfriend& I. Not with the cats, though! He freaking wrestles with themand chases them up and over any and everything!
Do you guys have any pointers as to how to get him completely litterbox trained, as well as get him to be more social? We never corner himand pick him up and make him let us hold him, we're always gentle andslow.
Any help would be great!