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Picture of new cage and boss and Storm enjoying it together




You are lucky, Storm! A whole big condo, a house to claim as yours before the people mess it up with their stuff, everything! Too bad you have to share it with that cute kitty though... ;)
Yeah I am lucky but very thankful. My old mom and dad did not do all this. I chased mom around the house this morning. I wanted pets. She was so excited.
I am very excited about moving mom said something about being able to run in the bedroom. I have not seen moms bedroom for a long time.
Anyway mom is going to work talk to y'all later
tonyshuman wrote:
You are lucky, Storm! A whole big condo, a house to claim as yours before the people mess it up with their stuff, everything! Too bad you have to share it with that cute kitty though... ;)

Luckly mom kicks him out when he starts bothering me. So but he does chase me but when I charge him he runs. So we have it worked out. But yes having a little bother is anoying

I had sent this in a PM to pipp for the emergency kit thread and wanted to add it to my blog so I had another copy somewhere.



Ben Bac


Critical care



His full emergency kit


His kennel travel only the tog on the front has his name me and hubbys name and adress and me and hubbys cells and 2 other emergency contact numbers. In case they cant get a hold of us. And a blanket


His food I change this food everytime i buy a new bag about once every three months. It is three weeks worth of food. And very easy to clean food and water bowl


Medical travel kit I have two of everything so I dont have to snatch out of the other. In the event of a emergency we will have to leave fast. I want him to have everything. I use the stuff out of the emergency kit when I buy new stuff so nothing goes bad.


A bag of toys and toilet paper rolls I dont keep a hay ben in his emergeny kit. These toilet paper roll will provide his hay for him.


Snuggle sack it has a rice sock in it it was a dog toy I found at wal mart that your suposed to put a frozen water bottle in for you dog to chew and play with and keep them cool.


The container I keep it in I have every pets labeled so once I get them where they are going I dont have to keep checking each one.


We also have a small dog kennel its about 2 feet by 1 1/2 feet enough for him in a emergency situation. To live in for a few weeks. But that is in our car so I cant get a picture of that right now

His box of hay is stored by the front door along with the emergency kits so we would just grab that.

Again hope this helps post it anywhere you need it.

Hey all its Storm

Mom said your welcome for the emergency kit pictures she is tired working all day today.

We all have something like that she is going to take pictures of phoenix and bosses just in case.

In other news I am out of hay mom and me have gone round and round about this. But what can you say she is trying her best. She loves me and I know it. I dont know who posted about crasins being bad but we are going to have to have a talk. Mom threw myne away. She is so health nutty with us.

In other news I marked my new house and got in trouble and mom sai I did it on perpus cause I also do. I ran to go in my litter box one time then the next peed outside of it. I said I need to let people know this is my house then she said something about its her house I told her what ever and got grounded to my cage while mom calmed down. She said something about a pin if I dont stop thats not going to work for me but she does not need to know that.

well I have to go daddy is coming
Wow! Your emergency kit is AMAZING!!

I seriously need to make something like that for my bunnies. Right now, I have some of the stuff, but it's not gathered together in an organized way that would be easy to grab if there was an emergency.

I love the idea of keeping everything in a bucket. So easy to grab and go.
Well mom lost her job she said she would share more when she was ready she is very upset at the moment.

In other news I like to add that mom got me some hay thank goodness only a little but enough to get me through the week.

Well have to go.
I wanted to thank everybody for the pms.

I wanted to say all the lawer stuff is handled but there was a gag ordered signed on the case so I cant go into detail.

Storm finally got his box of hay and things are looking up I am going to watch the twins for 300 a month for a few months then look into getting a new job
Well I am going to my sisters for a week. To help with the twins I will have a lot of pctures when I get back so be ready.

Storm will be staying with daddy so he wont be able to update but he is doing good and has a very happy look to have hay back.

Well getting ready and want to check out the rest of the forum before I have to leave
Well I am back I posted picture of my neices in the let your hair down section I had a great time me and my sister got to hang out just the two of us for the weekend well and the twins of course.

Ok Gianna has hair and niamma does not


They where both sleeping the same way


them sleeping


another one of them sleeping



on there way to a doctors appointment










mom and girls


me and gianna



Jazzy and Elana her two oldest






hope you enjoy. Please dont copy these pictures anywhere thankyou

i had a great weekend the girls are so good they wake up eat change diaper then go back to sleep.

Now for updated pictures of Boss and Phoenix and Storm.

I dont know if anyone of you remember but boss is four months old today.

And he got his first taste of cat nip :bunnydance:;)








And Phoenix Taken today




And last but defently not least Storm




And now for a update everyone is doing great we had a long wekend in the sense of driving. Its one hour there but for ej its two hours cause he had to turn around a come home.

Storm is doing great me and his vet have desided to keep him off vegys. As soon as we gave him a little peice of vegys he got gas again so we have had great results with different types of hay and pellets.

Other then that things are great boss gos in for his rabies tomorrow I am not expecting anything bad he wont get anymore shots after this I just have to cause we adopted him through the HS.

In other news we may be getting a two bedroonm sooner then we thought they are starting to put hardwood floors down in the apartments and they are weeding out pets so we have to get a 2 bedroom before they do it to all the apartments. Buts thats all going on over here I told storm he could say hi tomorrow
Me and chevy


Dad and chevy


And someone very special Not naming any names Ali :pgot these pulled up for me. :pinkelepht::highfive::bunnydance::pinkbouce::hug::biggrin2:
Hey all its Storm

Man I got to sleep with mom today and now my bother is grounded for chasing me around. I am not in a good mood today I wont tell mom why but I am acting funny. She said she was going to give me some meds but for what. I am not sick but she is not sure.

Other then that nothing is goin on. Talk to yall later:bunnydance:
hey all

So mom is going to the museum tomorrow all day in houston. She is taking her neices and nephews for a day of fun its free dad is staying home.

Mom keeps talking to dad about this rollar dirby. I am not sure but what eer as long as I get my attition

Well sorry so short today have to go for a walk outside
Hey all its Storm
How is everyone doing we had a great day today. dad let me out all day mom got me a new toy nothing special just a new pillow I tore up my old one.

And Phoenix got a new blanket.

And mom got a new shirt she is so excited talk to yall later
Hey all Ites Storm

How is everyone Mom got me a new hay ben from someone on the forum something about its in the mail what is that. In others new Phoenix humps the cat I no no why. Mom finally got the A/C fixed. Its worked but not right I did not get to hot she did. Mom said I might have a new bother or sister in 9 months I dont know about this.

Well mom said she may take me outside for about a hour today. Of it does not get to hot. Its texas it will. Well have to go breakfat is served

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