New Hutch! Phwoar!

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This is true. With the front of the cage beingwire though, I should think he's getting enough ventilation to helpaerate the inside from the phenols. The sleeping box part could have ahigh buildup of it, though. It will probably only be strong for a fewdays while the hutch is fresh. Trust me, the lineoleum will help :D Itseems like in the US no matter where you live, you have a Wal-Martnearby. My dad used to be in the airforce, so we moved a lotttt (armybrat lol). Even when we lived in this TINY little podunk of a town inrural Kansas, there was a Wal-Mart. It was the only big store, but wehad it, lol. They're nice and convenient, and they have great prices,but they often cause local businesses to go out of business :(
Yeah when i went there i was just startingSecondary ("high") school and i bought all the notepads and pens andpencil cases i needed and my school bag there plus some really nicejewellery and stuff. Most of the money i spent on that holiday was inthere. Its a great place. We don't really have any big stores like thatapart from Wilkinsons. We have huge cheap clothes stores (likeMatalan/Primark) and then huge big expensive department stores (likeDebenhams, House of Fraser) and then we have Wal-Martish shops that areall small and ont he highstree (Woolworths, PoundStretcher).
The hutch looks great and Will seems to likeit!:DI agree with what Jess_sully said about lino tiles asthey makecleaning somuch easier!Also Iwouldn't worry too much about the smell as long as it isn't too strong,my girls didn't have any problems with it plus the hutch is wellventilated so it shouldn't smell to strongly. It does go away after afew days though.;)
Yeah its not that strong. I don't think hesleeps in the bed area anyway? never has? I don't know if thats truebut whenever i go down there in the morning/night he is always out ofthe bed area, same as in his old hutch. I put a blanket over so thewhole area is dark anway. Just that he has a lovely warm cat bed in thebedroom which he would probably prefer :)
If he keeps refusing to sleep in that bedroompart, I'd move the bed out to the part where he sleeps, so he can stillsleep in it :) Of course, if it gets cold there in the winter he'llprobably sleep in the bedroom, I'd imagine? How cold does it get there?
At the mo its... hmm.. a bit chilly? I don'tknow the exact but its kinda wamr enough to walk around in a strappytop and jeans outside now (at night) but not really for that long oryou get too chilly. I'll go move his bed now :)