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New Member
Jul 27, 2008
Reaction score
Elkhart, Indiana, USA
Hello everyone. I wanted to introduce my bunnies and myself to you. I have a mini rex named Sunishine, but I call her Sunie for short she is 5 years old. I just recently adopted a boy named Killian (originally named Bucky)from Midwest Rabbit Rescue, he is 7months old ( I am not sure of the breed, believe he is amix)and on July 11th I rescued a boybunny that I named Soldier, his age is unknown but I don't think he is more than two years old. He is a Dutch mixed with something else possibly.

had two other bunnies name Gizmo and Thumper and they sadly both passed. Gizmo on 2/29/08 and Thumper on 6/02/08. They both were only two years old. Gizmo's passing was unknown, she was happy and hopping in the morning and then when my boyfriend came home from work he called me with the news. Thumper had gotten an inner ear infection and the antibiotics gave her the gi statis and it went into her brain and it was such a horrible, horrible thing. I miss them both dearly.

Sorry for rambling on so much, I just wanted to say hi and share my bunnies with all of you.

Jaime :D
Mini - Rex Mini - Rex Mini - Rex Mini - Rex Mini - Rex Mini - Rex Mini - Rex Mini - Rex Mini - Rex Mini - Rex Mini - Rex Mini - Rex Mini - Rex Mini - Rex Mini - Rex Mini - Rex Mini - Rex Mini - Rex Mini - Rex Mini - Rex Mini - Rex Mini - Rex Mini - Rex Mini - Rex Mini - Rex Mini - Rex Mini - Rex Mini - Rex Mini - Rex Mini - Rex Mini - Rex Mini - Rex Mini - Rex Mini - Rex Mini - Rex Mini - Rex Mini - Rex Mini - Rex Mini - Rex Mini - Rex Mini - Rex Mini - Rex Mini - Rex Mini - Rex Mini - Rex Mini - Rex Mini - Rex Mini - Rex Mini - Rex


Pictures Pictures Pictures Pictures


Welcome to the forum I cannot wait to see pictures of Sunie I am very excited!

Becca :p
:welcome1to the forum and to a very local fellow RO member! You have found a great site with lots of friendly helpful rabbit crazed people.

I look forward to seeing some pictures of your bunny's and hearing about your adventures as a bunny slave.
Here is my Gizmo. She was a mini lop and I miss her dearly.


This is my Thumper. She was a holland lop and miss her so much.


This is my Sunshine, my mini rex. I don't believe she is mixed with anything else. When I bought her I was told she was a netherland dwarf.. but she isn't. Her nick name is "Big Mama" I love her so much.


I am trying to upload pictures of Killian and Soldier to Photobucket, but it isn't working right now! grr! I will post pics of them as soon as I can!

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