Hello everyone, my husband and I just got a 6week old baby netherland dwarf. I'm not sure if it's male or female asthe pictures i've seen seem to look similar at this age. He/she isnamed "Maggie" and I pretty much just call her Mag that way if sheturns out to be a he I can change the name to "Magnum". Her coloring isgorgeous, she's a smoke grey color with darker black points on hernose, her ears, her feet, and tail. She basically looks like ahimalayan rabbit only she is grey instead of white. I will takepictures of her soon. We are feeding her lots of timothy hay, somepellets, and she also has an alfalfa cube in there that she seems tolike to chew on. This is our first rabbit so i'm sure we will have tonsof questions as time goes on but we are enjoying her so much! She is socuddly and just wonderful. We also have two dogs, and 5 parrots, wehave a zoo :happydanceWe live on the west coast of FL, I lookforward to getting to know everyone and learning lots of information onour cute little fuzzy baby!