Well-Known Member
I am a first time rabbit owner and am just trying to find a great site to chat with others about our little "Miffy". We've had her about five months and she's the sweetest little thing I've ever known. NEVER has bit any of us and remember I have two small children. She has been introduced to my cats many months ago,my cat Casper and her are best friends lol. Miffy chases him around the house, it's really kind cute. They usually fall asleep togather after a long afternoon of play. ( I myself wouldn't normally recommend this as rabbits get scared very easily but I started them doing this when she was a baby so they are very used to each other). I never knew how to handle a rabbit and really have no idea what breed she is. So it was all learn as you go. Not easy to do and I am still learning. If anyone knows what breed of rabbit she is I'd love to know.
Miffy is a loving little rabbit that loves to be cuddled, hugged and petted. She LOVES baths lol. I'll post a photo to show you what I am reffering to, I have NEVER known any animal that acts like her with baths. She is truly enjoying her bath in this photo (sorry for writing on it but I've had to many photos stolen through the years).
What kind of games do you do with your rabbit. I feel she gets bored very easily and I worry about her not having anyone to play with (other than my family and Casper). Are rabbits solitary animals or do they do better with another rabbit. I really don't want toget another one but I'd like to know.