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Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2006
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Bonner Springs, Kansas, USA
:DHello! I am new here and just wanted to introduce myself. My name is Sara and I am new rabbit owner to a beautiful and sweet little rabbit who is about 6 months old. I am also a mother to two little girls and I have been married for seven years.

I am a first time rabbit owner and am just trying to find a great site to chat with others about our little "Miffy". We've had her about five months and she's the sweetest little thing I've ever known. NEVER has bit any of us and remember I have two small children. She has been introduced to my cats many months ago,my cat Casper and her are best friends lol. Miffy chases him around the house, it's really kind cute. They usually fall asleep togather after a long afternoon of play. ( I myself wouldn't normally recommend this as rabbits get scared very easily but I started them doing this when she was a baby so they are very used to each other). I never knew how to handle a rabbit and really have no idea what breed she is. So it was all learn as you go. Not easy to do and I am still learning. If anyone knows what breed of rabbit she is I'd love to know.

Miffy is a loving little rabbit that loves to be cuddled, hugged and petted. She LOVES baths lol. I'll post a photo to show you what I am reffering to, I have NEVER known any animal that acts like her with baths. She is truly enjoying her bath in this photo (sorry for writing on it but I've had to many photos stolen through the years).

What kind of games do you do with your rabbit. I feel she gets bored very easily and I worry about her not having anyone to play with (other than my family and Casper). Are rabbits solitary animals or do they do better with another rabbit. I really don't want toget another one but I'd like to know.
Your Miffy looks like she's a Dutch to me! Her marking are very consistent with the breed (white stripe down the face, white band around the front and white paws).

I don't know if she looks like she's enjoying that bath or not... did she lie on her back herself? :p

I'm sure in the five months you've had her you'll know just what great creatures rabbits are! It's been a while since I owned any, and when I got my three I was instantly reminded what fun they are :D

I'm sure you'll learn a lot from the people on this forum!

do you have shelties too!?

cute bunny, but i wouldnt let her in water, i have heard that it can kill them because it can scared them to death, put them in shock, and it takes soo long to dry that they may get sick.
Welcome! Loved your photo of Miffy. Some rabbits love water and actually like to swim. As long as she loves the water and gets dried well to avoid chill, I'd let her enjoy her baths.

One comment -- please don't use colored fonts to type out your entire posts - verry hard on the eyes to read.

Hope you enjoy our wonderful forum!!!

Ooh. Miffy is such a cute little dutch girl! Its best you dont tell me where you are located, as I will have to come and Bunnynap her for my boys! :) She looks a lot like my max:

Like everyone said regarding the bath, just make sure she is really enjoying it and not just freezing up. I tried giving my Basil a bath when I first got him and he went into shock and froze up. I seriously thought he was going to die. I was so mortified and upset about the whole thing, I will never give another rabbit a bath again. I hear some do like it though, so who knows :)

You might think about getting her a buddy once she gets a little older. Check on between that site and RO, you should find all the info you're looking for! I had Basil for a year before I got him a mate, but it was the best decision I have ever made. Bunnies love to snuggle and play together!

Cant wait to see more pics of your beautiful girl!

hh2420 wrote:
Like everyone said regarding the bath, just make sure she is really enjoying it and not just freezing up. I tried giving my Basil a bath when I first got him and he went into shock and froze up. I seriously thought he was going to die. I was so mortified and upset about the whole thing, I will never give another rabbit a bath again. I hear some do like it though, so who knows :)


Most certainly a good warning because rabbits can literally die from fright!

:)A dutch rabbit huh? I'll have to research them. Thanks.

Oh no she loves the water. She has always enjoyed a nice warm bath (only in the sink) and always loves to be held in a nice warm towel afterwards till she's dried. She's a really loving little girl and we love her to bits and pieces.

Yes I do have shelties. I used to breed them but due to an illness in the family I sold my stud and kept only my best breeding female and the family sheltie pet. I hope to start it up again in the future someday but right now is not the time for it.

I definitley don't intend to breed Miffy, so if I got her a friend it would have to be a female but I really don't know if I want to get another rabbit at this time. I guess what I really need to know is if rabbits need companionship from other rabbits or if they do well by themselves but with lots of attention.

If it'd be better for her to have another female rabbit I'd like to get a relativley small breed as Miffy is a lot bigger than I'd thought she'd be.

Any suggestions?

Thanks again everyone.

In my experience, they are happier when they have another rabbit friend. However, I dont think my Basil really knew what he was missing out on when it was just us. He was happyas can be. I just think when I compare before and after he was bonded with Max, he's much morecontent now. Im also much happier knowing he has someone to play with when Im not home.

Ihave bonded my males and I know people with two females, but I think a male-female relationshipworks best. You just have to be surethey are neutered. A lot of shelters will allow you to bring your bunny inso she can meet their rabbits and pickher own mate. This way youdont have to go through a stressful and difficult bonding like I did.

Heres my blog:

hope this helps a bit!

Hi, Welcome to the Forum!! You have a beautiful bunny!

I just wanted to add that you should REALLY look into getting Miffy spayed. I believe the statistics are that 85% of unspayed females will develop ovarian cancer....

ilovetegocalderon wrote:
Hi, Welcome to the Forum!! You have a beautiful bunny!

I just wanted to add that you should REALLY look into getting Miffy spayed. I believe the statistics are that 85% of unspayed females will develop ovarian cancer....

That is a common misquote of the actual studies which stated that many does develop "uterine tumors" -- those tumors are not always cancerous.

Most ovarian tumors in rabbits are slow growing and benign.

Of course, spaying completely eliminates the chances of uterine and ovarian tumors.

its funny since you are new here, and i have been debating on getting a sheltie, and wanted some info on them... and well, here you are!

can i PM you?
Aww, Miffy is a darling! Yup, definite Dutch!

For the games, my girls both have their likes. Pebbles likes to chase after me. I would have her in the hall, then I'd run and she'd follow me. Just make sure you run first, otherwise your bun might think you're chasing them ;). Pebbles also loves to play hide and seek. I 'd cover my eyes with my hands and she'd dig at my hair until I lited my head.

Pepsi likes to throw around and knock over paper towel rolls. I'll put one near her face and wave it and she'll bite it and throw it around her cage. Or, if I stand it up she'll knock t down with her nose.

You could also give him paper towel rolls stuffed with hay, noisy bell toys or cat toys, baby key rings, cardboard boxes to hide in and chew ect. Bunnies love toys and are very playful! ;)I find cardboard boxes with towels, shredded paper, newspaper in them are great. It gives them a chance to dig, chew the cardbaord, scratch againstthe walls and it gives them a 'project' to work on. Both my girls love something that takes a long time to destroy like a cardboard box.

Some rabbit like company, but they can live on their own just fine.

Bunny owning is fantastic. Once you become a bunny parent, you can't imagine life without the little smoochees :).
Bunny owning is fantastic. Once you become a bunny parent, you can't imagine life without the little smoochees :).

Funny you say this because right after I got her I was like oh no what did I do. I mean I spent a good $200 getting her, her cage and all of her stuff (money I didn't have) and I just kept saying to myself why oh why?

Now after having her for a good five or six months (I've honestly lost count lol) I can't see my life with out her. She's just the sweetest thing, never has bit anyone, loves to be held and her and casper (the cat) are best friends. I heard so many horror stories about bunnies and I am just so glad I didn't listen to them. :bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance:

Hehe bunny horror stories? :). You can incounter a few 'troubled children', but overall they are great animals. I'm so glad I found this creature early on, because rabbits are really something I enjoy being around. A nice little nuzzle in the morning will start any day off on the right foot ;).

Know what you mean. I was a bit worried about bringing Maisie home, but the more I read posts on this site, the more I realized that the horror stories I'd heard were about some seriously hormonal or unhappy bunnies. I knew mine wouldn't be unhappy, and hormonal...well, that can be "fixed", so I wasn't too worried.

Even with how hormonal Maisie is, she's still my Sweetie Pie, so I'm not having that hard of a time. I just have to be sure to announce my presence when I'm putting my hand into her cage, and have to distract her with petting to move/change anything (except putting hay in...she doesn't mind that!). I've got a bit of a technique down! :)

I haven't had any problems with my babies. In fact, I've found that having them is even more rewarding than it was with the kitties, due to the bunnies needing CONSTANT care. (Don't tell the kitties I said that. I love them, and they are fantastically trained, so I got return with that, certainly...but all we have to do for them is restore water that they drank, and refill food bowls. Of course, there's love that we give them all the time, but I mean vs the various constant things bunnies need.)

Such sweet, gentle little creatures...sigh...I love animals! :)

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