New flemish owner : )

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Thanks, yeah she seemed a little ticked off atme. Im very happy shes settleing in fine, my other buns are veryinterested in her. Im going to petsmart tomorrow so ill pickup a few puppy covers they have there. As well as her a big cat litterbox, she wont even fit in the large made for rabbits.
Oh my gosh! She's beautiful! Look at that face!


Apollo would be mad about her! If she's already 6-7 months,you could breed her next summer. Ooooohhhh! Flemmiebabies - the thought of it just makes me happy!


lol yeah i bet apollo would love her...thebreeder stated that she was gonna breed her but she got another doe infrom another breeder who was older and had already had a litter of kitsand most turned out show quality. I would love to breed her with apollobut i bet tina lives too far away from me.
Iwuvbunbuns72 wrote:
I would love to breed her with apollo but i bet tina livestoo far away from me.
Tina? Oh, Tina??? Where is she when you need her?

I found a girlfriend for Apollo to play with next summer!


She is a very pretty girl. Congratulations!!

Laura, I have been so busy lately. You kill me lmao, you andstudding Apollo out. You are too funny girl, you know thatright.

She is a beautiful girl! She looks alittle smaller then Sampson, he was 6 months on the 14th,butmy boy is massive!! He seriously weighs 13 lbsalready! He was 10 lbs at 4 1/2 months.

Anissa and Delilah aren't close to that big. I need to weighthem...maybe I'll do that today. Unfortunately, I don't wantto know how much the human weighs. LOL

If she's already 6-7 months, you could breed her next summer.

If you're really serious about breeding her, and she's already 6-7months old, don't wait til next summer. The Flemish doesshould be bred around 9-11 months of age or whenever they reach 14lbs. Waiting til she's over a year of age may causeproblems for her.
thanks, ill weigh her tonight and see if shesclose to 14pounds and im still thinking about breeding her. Plus ofcourse i have to talk it over with my parents and my boyfriend(since hebuys them all stuff) If i could find someone close to my area with awhite buck then i probably would consider it if they took half the kitsafter weaning time and tried to help find homes for them also.
BlueGiants wrote:
The Flemish does should be bred around 9-11 months of age orwhenever they reach 14 lbs. Waiting til she's overa year of age may cause problems for her.
Oh, wow! I thought they had to be 18 months old to breed. Good thing I don't breed, huh?


Wow I didn't know that. Apollo's breedertold me to wait until she turned a year old and then breed. Not to waittoo long after she turned a year. That early huh?

If i could find someone close to my area witha white buck then i probably would consider it if they took half thekits after weaning time and tried to help find homes for them also.

You can also consider a Light gray ora Steel, besides a whitebuck. Most buck owners will ask for a kit (maybe "pick" doeor buck...), in return for standing at stud. But make sureyou make all arrangements before you breed. Also check thebuck's "privates" for any abcesses or infections before you let himNEAR your doe.

Even if she is 14 lbs, wait at least another month, til she's 8 monthsold. She'll be more grown up and better able to handle thestress of a litter. It'll also be a little cooler.Better for a more successful breeding.

Thanks for your i have a month toreally think this threw. Ive taken care of baby buns before but theywere would be fun to watch flemmy babies grow. Im gonna goto another rabbit show in the middle of september so ill see if anyonewas interested in her..i would really love to show flemish giants but iwouldnt even know where to start. My grandpa has a reallynice shed that looks like a barn i could use to keep them in.My roomcouldnt stand any more cages in it..ive had to take out my tv to gether cage in there.
Apollo's breeder told me to waituntil she turned a year old and then breed. Not to wait too long aftershe turned a year. That early huh?

You can wait, but you don't want to wait too much past ayear.But there is nothing wrong with breeding aFlemish at 8-9 months, as long as the doe is at a proper weight and isin good condition.

Once the doe is over 14 months (and never bred before)somebreeders believe that fatty deposits build up on thereproductive horns that prohibit or hinder fertilization andconception. I have found that first time breedings over 16months are less likely to take and the resulting litters aresmaller. Just my observations and personal experience.

Ive taken care of baby buns before but they were would be fun to watch flemmy babies grow.

You have to make a commitment for2 months... OurFlemish babies stay with their momma for 8 Weeks instead of 6 weekslike smaller breeds. And the kindling cage needs to be quitelarge to accommodate momma and babies. Our Kindle cages are2' high, 3 ' deep and 6' wide. with 2 doors, 2 feeders and 2 waternipples. They are usually 5 lbs+ when they wean at8 weeks.
Yeah i have a pen that i could use that i usedfor lucy when she had her babies, id just have to build a top to itincase she might jump out. And i kept all of lucys babies so havingthem for 2months wouldnt be a problem.

But one problem i faced with lucy when she had her litter was that hernipples stoped producing milk and i didnt how exactly couldyou tell if she would stop producing..the vet never showed me how?

Also how many do you usually get in a litter that is alive?Ive heard that flemishs can have up to 18 kits but usually only 10 willlive?
The majority of my litters are between 6 and8. My largest Flemish litter was 14 (9 survived).Because a doe usually only has 8 nipples, I like litters of 8 orless. It can happen that the doe will "dry up". Butit's not common. As babies you check their littlebellies. As they get older, you can usually tell that theyare satiated. If you flip your doe over, you can usually tellthat the nipples have milk behing them. Remember that yourdealing with a BIG animal. The dwarfs nipples are alittleharder to see!
This is why I love this forum so much. I learn something new every day.

Thank you BlueGiants. That is really good to know. Dependingon when we get our doe I would prefer to have her bred andespecially kindle when it's cooler. Thank you so much.

Iwuvbunbuns, a great place to start showing is at local fairs.Also attending different shows is a big help as you get a general ideaof how things are done.


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