*NEW* Daphnee photos

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Gabby wrote:
Lissa wrote:
Pat yourself onthe back Gabby! Daphnee is absolutely beautiful!!Her recovery is amazing.
Thanks LOL i was searchingfor pats on the back smilies and i found tons of back stabber ones LOLsuchas Doesanyone have a smiley patting themselves on the back????LOL
Ooooooooh! What a pretty girl! She is lucky tohave a mommy like you that obviously cares so much about her. She wasabused or neglected before she found her forever-home with you? Whatwere the circumstances? I probably hadnt joined the forum back when thesituation first arose, and now i'm curious to hear about her story....
sandhills_rabbits wrote:
Ooooooooh! What a pretty girl! She is lucky to have a mommylike you that obviously cares so much about her. She was abused orneglected before she found her forever-home with you? What were thecircumstances? I probably hadnt joined the forum back when thesituation first arose, and now i'm curious to hear about herstory....

Actually her story with me started around the second week of Jan, butit is so easy to miss posts the way this board moves, i miss tons, andthen hear reference to them in a later post which sometimes makes me golooking for the first post. I posted the links to her first and secondposts below, the first one has some first pictures of her.

this thread here is her 3rd post

for more info on Daphnee, here are her old posts

first posthttp://rabbitsonline.net/view_topic.php?id=4481&forum_id=1

her update posthttp://rabbitsonline.net/view_topic.php?id=4958&forum_id=1&page=1

Gabby wrote:
Delphinum wrote:
Hello?! How many pictures have I posted?! :D

Definately more pictures of all your buns... which may take up a whole board LOL... and of your doggies! :D

Ang xx
umyeah.. i could take up a wHOLE ENTIRE board of pics:p, in the meanwhile i'm gonna try and update my pics online....:shock:um I could giveeach bun their own page, if I have the web space to doit:p
You need your own forum for your bunnies LOL!

Photo posting idiot? Go for it I say!
Bo B Bunny wrote:
Gabby wrote:
umyeah.. i could take up a wHOLE ENTIRE board of pics:p, in the meanwhile i'm gonna try and update my pics online....:shock:um I could giveeach bun their own page, if I have the web space to doit:p
You need your own forum for your bunnies LOL!

Go for it I say!
Photo posting idiot? THat comes from another board....maybewhere the paranoia come from :pI can never seem to find myown happy medium, i'm either too much or too little...nearly got adarling pic of angel today.. ok it's still darling, but she was sackedout on some towls asleep.. I had to give her a butt bath because shepeed and sat in it...(one her fav things to do when she is molting),and then i set the towels on he floor with her, that i had dried herwith, she played a while then crashed, only she head the camera andlooked up.... so almost got a sound asleep bunny.....
We have rarely seen Bo completelyasleep. I think most of the time he sleeps with his eyes opena bit. We've seen him curled in his bed and he didn't budgewhen we came in the room but his eyes were slightly open.After saying his name a couple of times he finally looked up at me like"what?!?!?!" lol...

Find a nice place here (make a thread) and post a few pics a day (5 or6) and then just do it that way :) If someone doesn't want tosee your bunnies.... they don't open the thread :)
Oh man...I don't stick with the 5 or 6 a day limit. When I take pictures of Elf I go whole hog and post 20 or so ;)

We LOVE rabbit pictures!!! Bring 'em ON!
Bo B Bunny wrote:
We have rarely seen Bo completely asleep. I thinkmost of the time he sleeps with his eyes open a bit. We'veseen him curled in his bed and he didn't budge when we came in the roombut his eyes were slightly open. After saying his name acouple of times he finally looked up at me like "what?!?!?!" lol...

Find a nice place here (make a thread) and post a few pics a day (5 or6) and then just do it that way :) If someone doesn't want tosee your bunnies.... they don't open the thread :)
5 or 6.... hmm LOL your too funny... you know, that thread maycome up once we move;)before pics... after pics.. bunny area,before after.... hmmm hmmm hmmmm wicked wicked ideas LOL
Elf Mommy wrote:
Oh man...I don't stick with the 5 or 6 a day limit. When Itake pictures of Elf I go whole hog and post 20 or so ;)

We LOVE rabbit pictures!!! Bring 'em ON!
most the time i'm loading around 20 pics a time into my pc.. howeveri think my camera hold something like 56....:shock:
Yeah, yeah, I was trying to be a bit conservative since Gabby's worried about overdoing it! :?

I could sit and look at the bunnies all day!

Maybe that's why my house needs cleaned so bad! :p
Bo B Bunny wrote:
Yeah, yeah, I was trying to be a bit conservative sinceGabby's worried about overdoing it! :?

I could sit and look at the bunnies all day!

Maybe that's why my house needs cleaned so bad! :p

LOL.. Nah just think of it as not wanting to remove another breed of bunny from the house.. THe Dust Bunny...

THe Dust Bunny by Tamar R. romer, the link to the page is below, She isa fellow bunny person, vet tech, and the very first person I evertalked to when I signed online nearly 6 years ago. Pleasesign her guest area about her drawing:)

[ELFWOOD]SF&F Art / Tamar R. Romer / 'Dust BunnyElemental'
[size=-1]©Tamar R. Romer. All rights reserved![/size]
