My mom surprised me last night with a cute little boy bunny sitting in my old bunny's cage.
A gal that works at our local feed store had rescued a female bunnythat she did not know was pregnant... she was giving away three babybunnies. My mom forgot to ask how old he is but she thinks somewherefrom 6 to 8 weeks old. He was born with a bad eye; there is a whitespot in the middle and it is kind of runny. So, he may be blind orpartially blind. He is very friendly... I am holding him in my freehand right now and he seems content. He loves exploring my room anddoing lots of little binkies, but I need to bunny-proof my room somemore.
When would it be best to get him fixed?
What would be the best discipline for nibbling? Or is a little bit ofnibbling okay? Sometimes he starts nibbling on clothes a little, I justpull the clothing away from him and tell him no. He also kind ofnibbles and licks my fingers... they are very gentle nibbles, but Istill pull my fingers away and tell him no. Then he licks them, kind oflike he is apologizing.
I will try to think of more questions to ask... I think I forgot some of them.
Suggestions would be great.
(this is his bad eye)
He is very cute
A gal that works at our local feed store had rescued a female bunnythat she did not know was pregnant... she was giving away three babybunnies. My mom forgot to ask how old he is but she thinks somewherefrom 6 to 8 weeks old. He was born with a bad eye; there is a whitespot in the middle and it is kind of runny. So, he may be blind orpartially blind. He is very friendly... I am holding him in my freehand right now and he seems content. He loves exploring my room anddoing lots of little binkies, but I need to bunny-proof my room somemore.
When would it be best to get him fixed?
What would be the best discipline for nibbling? Or is a little bit ofnibbling okay? Sometimes he starts nibbling on clothes a little, I justpull the clothing away from him and tell him no. He also kind ofnibbles and licks my fingers... they are very gentle nibbles, but Istill pull my fingers away and tell him no. Then he licks them, kind oflike he is apologizing.
I will try to think of more questions to ask... I think I forgot some of them.
Suggestions would be great.

(this is his bad eye)
He is very cute