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New Member
Jan 5, 2025
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Crown Point Indiana
hi! I am super new to bunny’s and did not plan on getting one. At my college a guy I knew got a bunny from his fraternity that was going to kill her :( so I took her in and have been trying to do the best I can. He gave her to me in a box and I bought a new cage and she is mostly free roam, and will be fully when she gets better at finding her litter box but I am looking for good tips for new bunny owners! Also if you know how to upload a pic pls tell me so i could post a pic of her cage for tips!
Hi, there are several things that makes them using the litterbox more likely.
Put the litterbox under her hay rack, I also have the water bowl there. They like to munch'n'poop. Litter box should be rather big and easy to access.

Start with the cage, and increase her territory gradually. If you give her free roam of the room right away she of course will feel the need to mark this huge territory.
Thoroughly clean spots where she peed (Vingar is superb for that), and block trhem off for a while.

Litter training does not work like with dogs, you don't train the rabbit - you arrange things so that her instincts find the spot you want most attractive. Apart from marking, doing their business in one spot is a natural instinct we take advantage of.

Get her spayed. Well, there are huge differences in personality, but in the 8 months she was indoors my only intact free roam house girl ever pretty much wrecked my apartment and almost succeeded in killing me twice :D (by removing the insulation from power cords). When hormones hit they can be hyper active and their natural behaviour then doesn't fit well in a human dwelling - but again, huge individual differences.

For inspiration about indoor setups look at those search results, particularily those with years in the title:"indoor+cages"&c[title_only]=1&o=relevance
(if the link doesn't work, use search term "indoor cages" and select [Titels only])

Posting pictures is easy, select "Attach files" in the lower left when posting, select your picture, done. If it doesn't load it might be necessary to resize the picture first (Windows picture viewer can do that), not sure what the file size limit is but imho everything under 200kb definitly should be fine.
Hello @csojka, Your bun is very fortunate for your kind actions. Hard to believe humans would harm the 3rd-most surrendered pet.

Volunteering at a shelter for numerous years we saw all types of "unwanted" things.

I will check back shortly after you've been able to upload images of your girl or boy's set-up.

As @Preitler typed above, a litter box with hay in front at the corner of her/his current housing unit or caging unit, helps unaltered buns munch and do their potty business.
@csojka, the link above has excellent tips for caring for a vulnerable pet who is learning to trust caring humans.

We continue to do rescue/rehome & courtesy postings from college students who are too busy, in addition to Adults with two-legged children who are too busy to care for the 3rd-most surrended pet.
I haven't updated this link in ages but it may give new bunny parents some ideas.

1) In the first photo, recently pulled from a high-volume/high euth shelter agoutis Papa and Momma (Not related, Simply surrendered) got larger litter boxes. The corner boxes were cramped for their size. Good point noted by @Preitler to give your rabbit a decently-sized litter pan. Cat litter boxes with higher sides work well as buns can be high-lifters to pee over a small edge! You might want to affix adhesive tub strips or place a piece of newspaper on the bottom of the pan which gives more traction.

Oh yes, and boys and girls will mark, and unneutered boys will stinkily Spray with their urine hoses.

(All sanctuary buns now have XLG dog k/crates, exercise pens, or quadrants for their private bedroom space/s.)

Papa and Momma in a comfy litter box with hay to munch. @csojka - Please keep us updated when time allows. Thank you for your kindness to join here and care for the "object" from the frat' person.


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