New Bunny Settling In...

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OMG! That is one cute bunny :inlove:I love the markings and floppy ears are the best but don't tell my bunnies that...

I think I would still give him something soft to lay in or on. The floor is hard and cold at this time of year. Maybe add another litterbox filled with hay. Or use some fleece blanketsand just be prepared to change it for clean dry blankets as needed (incase he decides to pee on it)

Give that little precious bunnyscritches from me, will you?
ceetee wrote:
Haha, honestly its not the best... but its what I had left over... My dad had an extra box of those snap together build-it shelves and I figured I'd use what he had and save some money.... I think its suitable for a good starter cage, once he gets better aqcuainted with his litter box he'll have a larger pen, or just as planned free roam to his hearts content.

I have no problem with you using the shelves. A lot of us do use them incluing me. Cable times to hold mine together. An use clips for the door, those connector pieces are just a hassle to take off and put back on.
Sergeant Lops is such a cutie!! My Cappucino looks just like him.

Once our buns were let loose in the house, they more or less directed to us where they wanted their litter pan. We must have moved it a couple of times till we found a permanently spot for it.

ceetee wrote:

Well, I called up my vet, and she said the exam plus the neutering would be about $255 in total. So, I'm hoping when I get my next paycheck I'll be able to cover it.

My friend works at Northshore Animal Hospital and she says that if I show them my taxes and proof of low income (I don't make much since I'm still in college) they might give me a break and do it for free. That's what they did for my dog but I'm not sure its the same for rabbits....

Not sure how far these vets are to you, but check out this site.
He's so cute! I loooove harliquin lops.

His cage set up looks pretty good for now. I'm sure you'll figure out ways to make it better as you get used to him. As someone else suggested, I would give him a hidey box - a regular cardboard box with a few bunny sized holes would be great. And he would probably appreciate having the cardboard to chew and dig at.
Cardboard boxes work great for hidey boxes. Not only can they lounge in it, but most buns like to remodel the box. Because of space limitations, I use igloos for my fosters. They love to sleep in them and sit on top and look out the window.
I think a cardboard box will be great for him :)

I'll work on it today... so far... hes been doing great with his litter box. a few stray poos here and there but ALL of his pee is in the box, and when he has to pee really bad he runs towards his cage to use his box <3 I'm so proud considering its his first... two days?? using a litter box.

Hopefully by a week or two he'll be totally litter trained... It's really great he pees only in te box though. I also tested it out by letting him free roam in my room.... His poos have been around the box and in the box, and all his pees completely in the box..

seems like a smart bun-bun to me!~

I'll try the cardboard box...
I love harlequin lops--they're so adorable! You've gotten a lot of good advice so far so I don't have a lot to add. I think bunnies are a good pet for college students because they're quiet, have similar awake hours, and don't need to be taken out, etc.

You may want to check with the NYC Humane Society or SPCA for low-cost spay/neuters as well. A lot of those programs have income restrictions but as a student you probably qualify. Our shelter here has a low-cost (well, it's still $100) spay/neuter that doesn't have income restrictions too.
Just an update :)

Sergeant Flops has been allowed to free roam the living room when we are in the den. We've actually moved the litter box in a couple of places when we let him out and he knows exactly where to pee. Hasn't peed outside the box ever.

The only thing he seems to miss is his poos. He poos wherever he likes... and its a little disheartenning. I pick the poos up and put them in hte box and say 'no' when I catch him pooing.... His pee is never a problem though.. is this odd?

All the low cost neutering places I call only cater to dogs and cats. I'm still looking :/ I might just have to do the $255 with the vet... *sigh*
Well, my bunnies are not good with poos at all. Now they are competing with each other for territory at times, but they do it in their own rooms too. At least bunny poos are not very dirty to clean up, although my family gets really grossed out when I pick them up with bare hands. I always wash my hands after! I actually finally found a vacuum that picks them up instead of mashing them into the carpet--it's the Swivel Sweeper that's As Seen on TV. Not cheap--$40--but it works.

I am pretty sure the ASPCA New York City or Humane Society in New York City has a low-cost vet--we had a member here who wanted to get his rabbit neutered there, but they couldn't do it because the bunny had a melanoma on his testicle, it ended up being a very sad story. However, he was going to this non-profit place that was either affilitated with the SPCA or Humane Society and would have been able to get a cheap neuter. His normal vet's neuter would have cost a lot more. When I get a chance today I'll try to look back at the posts to see what's up. The member's name is Zouave and the bunny's name is Poppy.
Have you called other area vets? Even if you have to drive a ways, it might be worth it. It seems to me like $255 for a neuter is a bit high. It only cost me 140 (with tax and everything) and I went to a rabbit savvy vet.
If his cage is going to stay on slippery wood flooring, I'd consider some cheap carpet to put below it so he has some traction. Something he can't swallow. I got some at home depot for something like $5 or $10. They have it in rolls and you buy it by the foot. The bottom looks rubbery but it's not water proof like I originally thought it was.
He's a very cute little guy :)
The poos may get better after a while, when he's done "marking out his territory". I think once he's comfortable in "his" space, he'll do better. Just be patient and persistent, some bunnies just take longer than others.
My Hazel though still poo's ll over sometimes, especially when we've had other bunnies visiting.
Well, I'm still looking for an affordable place to get him fixed...

...He's tried humping two of my rats today during out time xD My poor rats were all ,"OMG GET OFF o_____o"

So it's definately a sign.

He's also getting destructive... tearing things, scratching.... jumping and stomping in circles. hehe.

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