Good luck with your guinea pig & bunny bonding- it may taketime. I have found that introducing animals in a neutral territoryhelps- I used to spray my gerbils with a spray ( they use it in petsstores) so they all smelled alike & let them smell each otherin their cages & then alwasys introduce them inneutral territory . I used to introduce them slowly & watchthem carefully & if they started fighting would separate them& then start over. This works for Degus & other smallanimals so it may work for your bun & guinea pig.
Interesting link to the French Lops website., I never knew rabbitscould get so big ....yikes!......but they sure do look like cute cuddlyteddy bears especially the pic of the women holding one in her arms!snuggle bunny
I just read that guinea pigand rabbit thing! weird! I always kept my piggys and rabbits togetherone of my angoras best friends was a small black guinea pig~!LOL