New Bunny is a little Bloated

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Active Member
Oct 16, 2009
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Crete, Nebraska, USA

I rescued a bunny a few days ago. I don't know the breed, the sex, or the age really. All that the previous owners could tell me was that it was "still a baby" but they didn't know the exact age or anything. Anyway, I have two other rabbits and I kept the new one separated so I could watch it for a few days to make sure it wasn't sick or anything. She acts normal. Super energetic and adventurous, hasn't really been fearful at all since I got her home. She is eating pellets and hay and so far seems to be drinking okay, but I noticed that her stomach is a little bloated. I will take her to the vet if it doesn't get any better soon but I was really just wondering if this could be something that my other rabbits could catch. I want to let her play with them because she keeps trying to get in and see them, but I just don't want to spread anything if it can be spread. I've never heard of anything that is contagious involving bloating, but I thought I would ask to be safe. Thanks for any advice! :)
If she's bloated she wont be eating or drinking and needs fluids now.
But since she's eating a little bit I'm gonna guess she just has gas, I would recommend you get her some Simethicone/Infant Gas meds and some tummy rubs.
Neither Bloat and Gas are contagious that I know about.
Is she pooping normal? I wouldn't give her anything until you know exactly what is going on with her. What are you feeding her? What was she fed before you got her?
How is this bunny.? Is the bloating still present.?

Bloating can be a symptom of many things in a rabbit; oftentimes it is agas or stasis issue , however a distended abdomen can also be a symptom parasites. I would keep this bun separate from your others until you find out exactly is going on

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