New Bunny! Help!

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Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2014
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Ok, I got a bunny and she is very nervous.... Help on settling in?
Well, If this goes thru.... Here she is:)ImageUploadedByRabbit Forum1390612296.105351.jpg
Hi madisonl702..

I just recently got 2 new bunnies and they were the same way.
They are not skiddish too much now.The advice i got was to do the same things you do everyday despite them being nervous as they have to get use to it in the long run and they'll come around with time.keep in mind talking to her and going and petting her all the time to reassure her and she won't worry about anything in a few will sound anmd feel all normal to her.
Some bunnies are just naturally nervous like my Oliver so when I first got him he was extra extra nervous. He wouldn't eat or drink. Put him in a high traffic area of the house and try to only mess with his cage for food and water and cleaning for about a week. Then start adding in pets and holding etc. feed him treats directly out of your hands to get him comfortable with you!:)
Thanks, but she wasn't handles nearly enough and panic attacks when I pet her. When she thinks she has done something wrong or so, she eases. What do I do?
She just dumped her food dish and scrambled into her pen.... What now?
You just need to be patient and give her time. Sit in an area next to her cage or in her playpen, and just sit there quietly reading a book or watching tv or something. Maybe put some tasty pellets down on the floor next to you and let her come to you. Rabbits are very curious animals and she will eventually come up to you. When she does, you have to completely ignore her, that way she will feel safe to approach you. Once she starts to get more comfortable then you can work on petting her etc.
Patience is the key here. Make sure she has a bolt hole and her food is close but far enough that she needs to leave it to get some. And stay near so she can see you from her bolt hole but almost ignore her. That way she can watch you and see that you are nothing to be scared of. If she gets too nervous being stroked maybe just hold your hand out so she can see it and sniff it with or without treats, might even help to put something with your smell on it near where she likes to sit so she gets used to it. When she is used to your smell and approaches you when you put your hand out to smell then maybe start moving your hand around and gradually get to stroking her in her own time.
Just a little small addition to Azerane's reply. When I got my girls, the first week, I think, I let them be in their xpen in my living room doing my usual cleaning, etc. After about a week for settling in, I started opening their xpen & putting a comfy cushion I could stretch out on right in front of the opening but not inside their area. Mean mommy! lol I did it that way so they would have to come to me & either jump on, over or find a way around me before they could go off for further bunny explorations! lol I would lie there with the TV & totally ignore the buns. When they seemed to be okay with this arrangement I also started to bring healthy treats to share. I still ignored them & allowed them to make the first moves as to whether they wanted to touch me & then offered to reciprocate with either a little head rub or a treat.
Thanks you so much! I just now need to figure her color out!:)

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