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Oct 23, 2006
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I just bought my rabbits from the pet store as istated in another post, I have been bringing them in at night as i'mafried they'll be too cold. As there used to the pet store.

There ears are always freezing when i bring them in, But i'mafried i'll be doing more bad than good by bringing them inside. I dontwant to loose another rabbit, And loosing it to the cold is a horridthought :XAm i being over protective? i dont have any of thatstuff that other poster has. I just give them extra hay, and straw tokeep them warm, but it doesnt seem to do that. Is it better to leavethem outside all night even though its below freezing? or should i keepbringing them inside at night till the shed arives and the cages goesin to there?

Thankz in advance
Bringing them inside and exposing them to alarge temp difference will do more harm than goos I'm afraid. The bestthing do do is have them live outside or live inside and not move fromone to the other. What kind of accomodation do they have? If they havea sturdy weather-proofed hutch with plenty of bedding they should befine. Here are a few tips for keeping them warm though:

Bunnies can survive outside during cold weather if they have the proper housing.
Inside the hutch there should be a separate enclosed sleeping cubby.Stuff it with plenty of straw and the bun will stay nice and cozy.

Bringing a bun from cold temps to warm temps can be stressful at thevery least. It would be a better idea to bring them in to anenclosedback porch or garageif possible...warm themup in stages if you bring them inside.

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