New Baby Rabbit

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Whitehorse wrote:
Hi Lindsey. I don't really have a problem with buyingcarefresh. I do with my two hamsters and my little brother's hamster. Idid when I had two rats and three hamsters, my brother's hamster, andmy seven baby chickens and two kittens.

Yeah i have a kind of a job. I work at my grandfather's horse auctionbarn, riding horses and caring for them and working on the ones whocan't be ridden for who-knows-what reasons.

Lol.. so, yeah. I can do that. I usually have to buy anything I needfor my animals, which I will list them all in a minute. lol.

Thanks again!

You sound very responsible and like you sure love your animals, I'm sure your new bunny will feel right at home. Good luck! :)
Oh, thank you! Yes, I do love my animals. Umm- heres that list:

Darla- My female ferret (Both my ferrets are spayed/nuetered)

Whiskey- My male ferret

Miracle- One of my doe goats

Lawson- One of mybuck goats

Prince Charming (Prince)- another one of mybuck goats

Archie- My one wethered (fixed)buck goat

Dominoe- another one of mydoe goats

Starr- Another one of my doe goats

Lollypop- one of my two horses- Mare

Blackie- the other one of my two horses- Mare

Outside Koi pond

11 Inside fishtanks

Nikkii- my female Pug dog

Reba- My female Reg. Chocolate Labrador dog

Felix- My stray male cat

Note: These aren't all claimed as mine, but hey, who else takes of them?????
I'm so jealous, I want to have goats!

My list is quite different, as I keep reptiles as a hobby. I had neverreally had mammals until I got my first bunny, and I absolutely lovethem now! I have two boys now, and there will never be a time in mylife I don't have a rabbit. :)
Trust me- no you don't. They are soooooooaggrivating. We had to sell a few of them as they kept getting theirheads stuck in the fence and our neighbors had to get them out, theyjump ALL over you if they dont run away from you, they are CONSTANTLYfiguring out new ways to make me ad, not to mention the million and ahalf times I had to chase them back into their pen because they thoughtthe mailman had sweet-feed for them.

Reptiles, huh? I've never owned a reptile in my life. I don't take to them as I do to mammals.

lol! Maybe I'll reconsider.

Reptiles can be super-easy to take care of, and unfortunatlygeta very bad rep. It's ironic because I find them THE mostharmless type of animal to keep. (I'm excluding wild reptiles thatshouldn't be pets, of course)
Hmm... I never heard that from anyone before butI'll take your word for it. Maybe I'll try having one soon. My littlebrother has been wanting to adopt a Bald Python for a while now (abouta year or so)... but my parents don't think it will happen. (But, youknow, of course, If I start my begging they have to give
lol, Ball Pythons are absolute sweethearts and very easy to take care of. (Gee I sound like I'm at work XD)
Reptiles are awesome :) I would suggest yourbrother find a ball python forum before getting one. Some of them canbe tricky to get eating well. I have reptiles :)

Congrats on your new bunny! Sounds like you are a great mommy already hehe

Here is my leopard gecko, which is a GREAT first lizard if you wanted one ;)


I'm the reptile specialist at Petco and I takecare of the reptiles at my college

hence the petsmart joke earlier, they don't sell snakes because they'renot "family-orientated", and have very limited reptile knowledge. Ihate that attitude. I've had a lot of really bad reptilian experiencesthere so I refused to shop there... which is why I work where I do! ;p
Yay, I've had yet to see another reptile person here. :)

I'm polluting this poor girl's thread, apologies. XD
I Have reptilesalso and agree Lindsy , theyare such easy keepers , I havea 6 ft Red Tail Boa because shebit my Daughters Boy friend notonce but 2 times , ( his faultnot hers ) I have had her fornearly 7 months and I haventhad a biting issue with her yet , Ialso have an 18 1/2 inch Red Tail and a20 inch Ball Python , a Pink Rat Snake (miserable little biter ) , anda White Corn Snake , AgreedBall Pythons can beawful to get to eat asbabies but once theyhit a couple months oldthey will eat theirweight in mice, Imjust so happy to see Iam not the only one who hasrabbits and snakes lol Ihavent saud a lot about it tillnow for fear someonewould gettthe wrong impression , But OhWell If they do ,My buisness isexotics Rescue llol soits not unusual to have some sortof reptile hanging around the house .
Whitehorse, I'm jealous of all your animals. Myhusband describes me as wanting to have a small zoo. :p We live in anapartment so we have a rabbit, a hamster, and 3 small fish tanks. Atsome point, when I can, I also want another rabbit, a cat, a decentsized fish tank (mmm... 75 gallons+), a big flight cage for a group offinches, and either a lizard or a non-aquatic frog (I have an AfricanDwarf frog now). Oh, and James wants a pug. He says I can have anyanimal I want as long as I take care of it and the house doesn't smell,so I told him he can have a dog if he takes sole care of it. That meanswe probably won't get a dog. :D

Of course, this is what I would like. I probably won't have nearly asmany animals because I'll be afraid of not being able to spend timewith them all.
gypsy wrote:
I Have reptiles alsoand agree Lindsy , they aresuch easy keepers , I have a 6ft Red Tail Boa because she bitmy Daughters Boy friend notonce but 2 times , ( his faultnot hers ) I have had her fornearly 7 months and I haventhad a biting issue with her yet , Ialso have an 18 1/2 inch Red Tail and a20 inch Ball Python , a Pink Rat Snake (miserable little biter ) , anda White Corn Snake , AgreedBall Pythons can beawful to get to eat asbabies but once theyhit a couple months oldthey will eat theirweight in mice, Imjust so happy to see Iam not the only one who hasrabbits and snakes lol Ihavent saud a lot about it tillnow for fear someonewould gettthe wrong impression , But OhWell If they do ,My buisness isexotics Rescue llol soits not unusual to have some sortof reptile hanging around the house .
Oh thats so nice to hear! It's such a weird hobby combinatuin, huh? But I love it! XD

Man I'm pretty jealous of your snake collection though, I have a balland three baby corns. I never really had trouble getting my ball to eatthough...
Wow lots of reptile owners here! I have neverowned a reptile, but seeing as you guys make them out as such greatpets I might try some reptiles soon.

Oh, I don't mind talking about other things in my thread, Lindsey! Especially now because this is getting so interesting!

Keep Talking! XD LOL.
Hehe I have

Ty Registered American Quarter Horse

Ben Registered Yellow Lab

Otto Registered Black and Fawn Pug

Kimmy Mini Lop Doe

Butterscotch Mini Lop Buck

Sakari Mini Lop Doe

Cowboy Mini Lop Buck

Kit 1 and 2 Mini Lops. I havent named them yet.

Marshmellow French Lop Doe

Jack French Lop Buck

All of those animals I show.

Then I have

Pumpkin cat

Kitten Cat

12 Fish tanks

1 Fishpond

Plus were getting a Miniature Horse and many more buns.
FrenchLopGirl1280: Wow! You have a lot of pets!Lots of bunnies! i want to get another rabbit as a friend for myChubbers, but I'm not so sure I can pass that, lol. You have a AQH?What doesit look like? Lol- I'm a big fan of horses. I onlyhave two at the moment, but my father is getting into buying/sellingthem, like my grandfather.

Aww, your getting a miniature? What will you use it for?
hehehe, i needed a place to "up-date" my animal records.....lets see now where do we begin......:

Acorn-he's one kick-butt grade pony, gelded

Ginger- dog, knows like 35+ tricks, got fourth in obedience-Novicedivision at state fair......four years old-..............lab/germ. shep.

Patches-thirteen or fourteen, can't remember, he's either a yearyounger than me or as old as me.......grrrreat farm dog, love him topieces....aus. shep./bord. collie







and an Unnamed-rabbit

11 chickens-New Hampshire/Rhode Island Red

two fish

Teddi Bump-Syrian hamster

Queen-Rideable Hereford cow






ten kittens.... more, yet......i'm trying to convince the parents into gettingmore animals....mainly another horse, as i'm too tall to ride Acornafter this year.....thinking of contacting RAQH farm down the road aspossible execise rider/stable hand....


Hello there! Thanku for thatuseful info on the feline pine! I willdefiently stock up onthat wheni go food shopping onthe 4thof june!@pathmark they have that!I dont have a tracter store , butI do have homedepot near me, they do have construction supply,butI very much doubt that they would carry woodypet? I will ask my pet supply dealer on kings highway to askthese people to deal with> i dont know.Thanku so much for helping us out in the mean time!

if u need too contact me for questionsorhave further info? contactme @ 718-372-4612 anytime bet 11am and ten pm! And my email address is

[email protected]

sincerly yours,

:dude:what happned to Pebbles> DId shedie or get lost? What happend ? I was concerned! She looksjust like my Thumper and she is a netherland dwarf, too! Perfect matingmatch! aahalol! too bad shes gone, and u live so far aways!Iwould have studed him for u to breed her with him!of course, i would have wanted one of the babies as payment,that would be the only thing ask for ?uhave to see what a beautiful babykits they came outwith the very first litter they had!I call herlilttle chiiper! My son took her though! Its his rabbit now!miss her somuch! She is three months old!

see u soon in cyberspace?:angel:

[email protected]



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