New baby bunny

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Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2006
Reaction score
Traverse City, Michigan, USA
I went to Tractor Supply Company and the local 4-H had babby bunnies for sale. I got a baby boy Dwarf Hotot who is just the sweetest thing! He actually already peed in his litter box, LOL. I have a female NDwho is 4 1/2 months old, and I'm getting her spayed in a month. Can I put them together (in neutral territory) as soon as the vets says he is healthy to start the bonding process? Or should I wait until after she is spayed? Do males mature faster than females? I definitely don't want them to breed.
i would personally suggest waiting for them both to get fixed. . .and then bond. . .
I agree...getting them altered first is a MUST.

Here's a link to the Rabbit 101's thread on bonding.

I personally really loved this article (also in the Rabbit 101 section on Bonding):

Enjoy! Lots of great information there to help you out. :)



P.S. I would recommend NEVER putting two non-altered buns together, especially if they're opposite genders. They can reproduce at as young as seven best not to even take the chance. Oh, and be sure their cages have at least a few inches' space in-between...I've read about bunnies mating through the bars of the cage.
Males do mature a bit faster than females. Some males can even drop at 8-9 weeks old.So until your girl is spayed, it's not someting I would risk.

I did some bonding when Wildfire was spayed and Zeke wasn't. But there was spraying and humping involved.

If you've got your girl going in to the vets in a month, I would just wait till two weeks after her spay to start any bonding.


Makeup names: Max Factor... that's all I got.

Just be careful and make sure your little girl is healed before you introduce them, if he mounts her he can hurt her.

Hotots are so cute, I love their little egyptian eyes! Good Luck.


hi i'm new here. I don't own a rabbit yet but i/m now looking out for one. can post pictures of ur dwarf hotot?? Jus loves them lots.

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