Well-Known Member
Their fur looks gorgeous!! And those lovely big ears! You must be so proud!!
OkI have aquestion for Pam and Rose?
I was just down admiring thelittle boogers , and it seems some aremuch bigger than others , can this be indicativeof gender ? or does it notmatter size as apposed to male or female? I will try and get acomparison picture of them andthen try and sex them to see ifthere is a difference . whatfunny different personalities they have .
Does anyone know of a great site to getmore information on the breed? ones I have lookedat so far have been vague to say theleast .
So, are they pretty active or do they like to just laze about like Flemmies?
OK good to knowno size difference at this age, LOl as I was looking at tehmI swear one babies Ears shot upover night , I will get a picture in abit lol heres this tinyhead and HUGE ears lol.
The Snotty one charged over as soon asI opened hte cage ( I have"snotty" marked in the ear LOL) so I swooped it outand wham instant lush ? LOLbabies what hams they can be.