Never has my *bunny* ever

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Yep, not only the 'honk honk' noise but the nudging as well. And sometimes when i´m in bunnies´ space when mum comes with mint or cuc or tom or any other edible, i´ll act as if i were one of the rabbits aiming for a snack and then running off with it, just for the lols of it.

NHMBE grunted at me for no reason?
I don't think that Iris has met any... Storm and Lümi definetly had met my aunt's two big energy-ball dogs, the misters were safe from the ladies in their own home. They didn't like the introduction nearly as much as the dogs did. Storm went thumping 5 minutes straight. I can't remember if Musti had met one, though i know that he'd definetly met a cat and was ready to box at it. The poor cat was more scared of the rabbit...
NHMBE given me/someone else a haircut?
My hair has been shorn by rabbits, birds, and even an Iguana. I had a mouse that also chewed my hair, but he was way more interested in my earrings and sleeping in my shirt pocket. Our latest rescue came from a home with 3 cats and a dog--they rescued him from a park when he was very young and he got along with their whole menagerie. NHMBE
I don't think that Iris has met any... Storm and Lümi definetly had met my aunt's two big energy-ball dogs, the misters were safe from the ladies in their own home. They didn't like the introduction nearly as much as the dogs did. Storm went thumping 5 minutes straight. I can't remember if Musti had met one, though i know that he'd definetly met a cat and was ready to box at it. The poor cat was more scared of the rabbit...
NHMBE given me/someone else a haircut?
no, but my guinea pig once took out a noticeable chunk of my hair!

never has my bunny ever licked my face. He only licks my hands 🥲
They have! All but Storm. Musti would kiss my face to lick my salty tears, Lümi would kiss my everything-nose, eyes, ears, neck, hands, heck he even tried licking feet, just because he could and he would NOT stop. The little prince would come running and kiss me to oblivion, all day every day. I don't remember Storm licking my face ever. He barely kissed anyone except his bunmates. Iris is a little skitty gal who is definetly ready to kiss but she doesn't do it very often. She'll groom our clothes more than our faces or hands.

NHMBE been bonded more than once?
They have aplenty. The most memorable ones are from when Storm first moved indoors and would spring over 80cm of cardboard wall because he didn't like that he couldn't see into the rest of the room,
and when his bond with Lümi broke but the little prince was so in love with Storm that he constantly sprung over 90cm of panel wall, and when he got busted from there, he would spiderman his way onto and over the cubboard to get to his love. I was afraid that he'd tear his stomach open but luckily he never did. Sadly his love wanted to share none of the friendship they'd had before. Aw poor Lümi. He just didn't have the best of luck in anything.

NHMBE had the worst luck ever?