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Active Member
Mar 27, 2009
Reaction score
, Ohio, USA
I recently bought a rabbit about 2 months ago. He has been very well behaved and I have been very pleased with him thus far. This week he has just started running circles around my feet and making noises at me. He has also been very destructive (ripping the carpet, chewing on my WALL, etc.) Is it time to get him neutered and will this help the destructive behavior at all?
If his testicles are descended then he is old enough to be neutered. It will dramatically improve his behavior although the chewing behavior is normal neutered or otherwise

. You might want to rabbit proof your home or give him a large xpen with plenty of toys in it . Rabbits love to chew but you can provide chew toys for them and thus save your home from destruction
Thanks for getting back to me. They don't appear to have descended yet. I'm no expert, but I see no parts. :) Since he has started this "courting" behavior, do you have any idea how long it will be until it will be time to get him neutered?

And thanks for the rabbit proofing link.. I have made sure to put all cords out of reach. The only thing that worries me is he likes to chew carpet, though I try to keep a close eye on him to prevent it. I usually just give him free range of my bedroom during the day, and the bathroom at night when I can't supervise, since there's nothing he can really get to in there. This has been working really well until just recently, when he's become a lot more destructive.I also notice that he isn't quite as mellow as usual (he usually is very chill, actually likes to be picked up and held), but he hasn't really fancied me picking him up this past week or so. He also has been licking me/nipping at me a little. I just don't know how to interpret all of these behaviors/how to fix them.
he is beginning development but doesn't yet have his testicles. I have been through this period with rabbits and it isn't easy as the behavior is hormonal and yet he is too young to have surgery

it might be wise for you to limit his space , particularly so that he doesn't eat carpet. The reason i'm saying this is that if he eats enough of of it can cause a GI blockage. I don't know the set up of your home but possibly if he could have an x-pen in a kitchen without rugs?
Just a thought...Simon will go after parts of the carpet here as well...I have noticed it is only spots of it he likes, like something drawing him to it. I use safe cleaners and scrub those areas...He tends to lose interest after that..though he always finds a new spot :)

Good luck & Best wishes
Thank you! I'm glad I can sort of know what to expect now. I have noticed his hormonal changes already and hopefully they will get better as soon as he is old enough to have neutered. I am going shopping for him today, so I will try to find a large playpen. I bought one for him when I first got him, but he fancied jumping right over it! :) And if I'm unable to find a tall enough one for today, I will try the safe cleaners. He does seem to go to the same spots a lot!
Interesting as I had a rabbit whose behavior did not change. I was, in fact, told when I got him as a skinny bunny he was a she! And as the behavior never changed for months I assumed that - until one day I flipped him to do the nails and saw what I at first thought were nipples! lol
Male bunnies can hide their testicles inside the body at times when they're scared. It does sound hormonal to me.

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