Neutered Bunny Aggressive

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New Member
Aug 23, 2012
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Redondo Beach, California, USA
I just recently adopted a bunny from a shelter. He is about 9 months old and he was at the shelter for about 6 months before I adopted him. He is neutered already.

However, he is a bit aggressive. Over the passed couple of days, he has become much more loving towards me. However, he still attacks my boyfriend when he tried to pet Koa (my bunny).

We have only had him since Tuesday, August 21 and I have told my boyfriend that Koa probably just needs time to adjust and realize that we love him and are not going to hurt him. I think perhaps he was not treated well or handled much at the shelter and so Koa is not used to human interaction.

I just wanted to see if there is something else that I am not thinking of with regards to the aggression towards my boyfriend. Could Koa be territorial or not like males? He is fine when my boyfriend sits in Koa's area, just not when my boyfriend tries to pet him over the fencing.
do you know WHEN he was neutered? from what I've heard, it's possible for it to take as much as 6-8 weeks for all of the hormones to be completely out of his system.

if that's not the case, then he just needs more time - have your boyfriend spend lots of time either sitting in the area or standing beside the fencing (without trying to pet him) and just talking to Koa.
I'm sure he just needs time to adjust to his new surroundings. Try having your boyfriend feed koa a baby carrot or a small piece of fruit to him on a fork (that way the distance isn't too close or threatening) This is a good way to make a peace offering ;) and become closer. Spending time interacting with koa will also help. I'm sure he just needs some time. Going from being at a rescue to being someone's pet is a huge adjustment! Good Luck :)
Thank you to everyone who sent encouragement and advice. I really appreciate it. He's been a little calmer the last day or so. He did not try to bite my boyfriend last night but instead let him pet Koa on the nose and forehead, through the fencing...not over the fence yet...we are working up to that taking it slowly.

It's been a little different working with Koa than it was with my last bunny Kalohe (who passed away last year), who was also a rescue, though not from a shelter. I found Kalohe next to a dumpster in a cage with no food or water when he was about 8 weeks old (the vet estimated at the time). But it was different for Kalohe since I had him from so young an age and I took him everywhere with me, so he was very accustomed to my boyfriend and I, as well as being around people all his life.

I can sense Koa (my current bunny) has a sweet personality and shows it when I sit in his enclosed area. He jumps in my lap and nudges me to pet him by putting his head under my hand. I already love him, it is so hard not to. I'm not sure how the shelter people treated him. I know they labelled him as a "biter", but it seems to me he just wasn't given enough opportunity to interact with people.

Again, thank you to everyone!!!! I really appreciate the feedback.
So we started letting Koa run around a little in the living room in a certain portion of the room where he can't get into (too much) mischief ;-)

Anyway, he does fine, loves running around (hates being caged in any sense of the word). However, he still acts strangely towards my boyfriend. One minute he lets my boyfriend pet Koa's head or hold him and seems to enjoy it...the next he lunges and bites my my boyfriend hard enough to make him bleed.

We have started speculating that maybe a male caretakers or maintainance person at the shelter we got him from abused him, because he only does this to my boyfriend. My boyfriend loves animals and has never had a problem with them. My last bunny (kalohe) adored my boyfriend. Koa is fine around me, extremely loving and cuddly.

Why is Koa acting this way? Help! I don't want my boyfriend bleeding all the time... :-(
Maybe you're right. Maybe he was treated badly by a male figure at the shelter. Or maybe he is jealous of your bf and want you all to himself?

Dogs can get jealous and act out.. maybe buns are the same?
It takes them awhile to adjust to a new enviroment. Just sit beside him and read to him or just talk to him. Leave his cage door open so that he can come out on his own terms and come to you. Just sit there and let him sniff you and hop around you. Offer him so treats. Before you know it he will let you pet him, climb on you and maybe if you are one of the lucky ones, allow you to pick him up.