Nethies by name mischief by nature

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Thanks i feel a mess :?Never mind get a shower and i'll soon feel better have done nothing all day!! cept watch the grand prix!!

I still get id'd sometimes and i am 28 its a bit shocking,

Ooooh need to tell you guys we have our second show next week i have entered Jin and Opi now just need to get Opi to pose:?i did say to the guy he might not pose well so i don't get to embarrassed on the day. cross your fingers for me:)
I just got the chance to check our your blog. Newbie does look a bit like our Stewart did...though Stew was much smaller. And Misty could be our Pipkin's twin.

All our bunns are Holland Lops. They are so much fun.

How is Misty's personality? Pipkin is a real cuddler with rabbits, humans, and cats. He loves to lay at my feet and then suddenly spring up, dash up my body, and nip me on the nose. Ouch! But it's always a soft nip. Then he kisses to make up.

Thanks for sharing all the photos of your rabbits. They are so adorable. I love the babies.

I look forward to continuing to check your blog. I'll need to get one started soon and get photos posted of our warren. Will let you know when I do.

Mary Ellen
Misty is really quite independant, but she loves cheek rubs, my sister in law say's Newbie is the cuddly one but for me it was always Misty and Newbie will tolerate you lol. These are both Dwarf lops and a bit pudgy at that!! I will maybe try to weigh them if i get the chance have 2 more bunnies still to come for bunnysitting this week, Puts me up to 20 rabbits and no more space lol.

I will keep an eye out for your blog:D
This is Mikki and Ross. Ross is Bruce's best friend, it was their wedding on weds, they chose independance day to get married. Bruce was one of the best men (their was 3) and i was chief matron of honour. didn't get any pics of us as we were running about mental behind the scene lol


So just got back from the show. Jin got a second and Opi got a first in the junior but its not much as there were no other opals lol.

And Jack Black has been sold so he is going to his new home tomorrow. One of the girls who works with me is taking him she really wanted a black rabbit, and we can't breed him anymore.:?
So Jack went to his new home today i m not to sad though as it is a girl at work who has got him so i will prob see him often, the little black baby (Miffy and Jacks) is a boy and we have managed to straighten his teeth with chews (thanks Tracy:D) So Bruce has agreed i can keep him until i get another black ( like i will give him up if i can help it lol) so we have called him JJ (jack junior) he is a typical nethie mischief and keeps trying to groom me but doesn't seem to have the knack and keeps nibbling my legs instead my poor laptop is getting battered as he keeps making me jump!!

One of the other girls that works for me brought her bun up tonight it was the baby of DENNIS AND squishy and is an agouti lionhead he is absolutely gorgeous and was following me round the living room, Veron fell in love with the blue baby so is thinking of neutering Pukker and getting one as a friend for him. Need to go just caught JJ trying to hump his sister and even worse she is putting her tail up to him so he will be getting Jacks bed honestly they are only 6 1/2weeks old, he is sitting on my arm nibbling me as i try to type this he is just a sweetie but i am still moving him naughty little boy lol
I thought i would put Suzi my dog in my blog as an honoury rabbit lol.

It was so funny the other night the dutch we are looking after came in for a run in the living room, he is 7 but has not been done i think he has realised he is a rabbit again. Bruce was giving him a cuddle and he got a bit randy so he used bruces arm and latched his teeth onto Bruces arm and it took ages to get him to let go so we had to give him Dennis's duck for a while he had some major fun:biggrin2:Then when Suzi came downstairs you could see him thinking that is one big bunny and if he moved su jumped then he jumped it was so funny.


Hi Polly,

I just checked out your blog after you had replied to my question about Sherrry and Button's breed. Wow...your bunsare SOOOOO cute!!!! How can you even stand it?? Do they all live in one area of your house?

In addition to Sherry and Button, I have 2 Holland Lops and one Lionhead so it seems like we love the same kind of buns :)

Boo Saffy and Dennis live in the house when Nibbler is settled and bonded to Boo he will live with her, the rest live in a shed out in the back garden but it is nicer than the house lol and better equipped



I do have a small passion for nethies lol yours are more than willing to join :D

they are very cute, it seems we do share a bunny love lol you have impeccable taste:biggrin2:
Ok so after a very long journey to wales and back i have a majorly numb bum, a bit of a sore back and my head is not working right so sorry if the words come out wrong!! I also have 2 new bunnies, A blue otter doe i am calling Delphi ( after delphiniums cause they are blue ) and a black otter buck who needs a name, any suggestions appreciated:biggrin2:i will go and get pics in a mo. and post them.

i am so happy but also really tired and now i can start my blues YEAH!!!

i haven't put much on here lately, Saffy and Dennis are now getting out all day together and giving each other lots of kisses and other than when Dennis gets out in the morning and has to chase Saffy for a few laps round the coffee table until he remembers she aint gona give him any of that!! then they are fine. He still likes to jump out at you though when you are least expecting it.

Nibbler and Boo are getting on pretty well, and i even caught Boo giving him kisses last night so the bonding is going well there.

Lucy has had her litter 3 were dead but 1 has survived and she is a perfect mum, i think she realises it may get cold and has a huge piule of hair covering it and she goes and sits with it. It is so cute.

Right away to take piccies i will take one of Lucys very fluffy nest too:D
Lol i have great fun with them until Billy the mischief decided last week that he wanted a swing so attached his teeth to my hand while i was picking him up hence one rabbit swinging from the flesh of my hand (won't repeat what i said lol)

Here are the pics then.

This is Lucy's nest, at first she didn't pull much so we gave her a bit extra that we had saved from a while ago then she decided it wasn't enough i swear there is a baby in there somewhere lol


This is my new black otter buck that needs a name,


This is my new Blue otter doe i have called her Delphi. i want to name all my blue buns after something blue as i already have Saffy (short for Saphire)



And for all those who saw the balck and blue babies on the last page, here are there updates they are now 8 weeks old

JJ is a buck (short for Jack junior)


and this is the blue she is a wee girl edit: now called Skye:D


I tell you i wouldn't mind curling up in Lucy's nest myself lol very cosy, there may only be one baby in there but it sure isn't getting cold it is so toasty
16 at the mo (that includes the 2 babies above but they will be sold on) also 3 others that i am rabbitsitting So 19 just now!!
Aw, your new additions are ever so sweet, and that is one fine nest. Maybe Lucy wants to come round and make me one?
Ok so i lied, the blue doe is staying she is gorgeous a bit big but perfect for breeding with. I thought i would name her Skye (not copying Tracy honest) as she is blue. So now i have Saffy (short for Saphire) Delphi (short for Delphinium lovely blue flower) and Skye. All i need now is more blue bunnies:biggrin2:

The black otter boy is definately getting called Dude:biggrin2:

And Lucy's chin baby is getting big and i reckon will have its eyes open tomorrow, tues at the latest. It is really cute:biggrin2:i will get pics at some point.

They have all been having fun in the garden today. Poor nibs has had a major moult and he was binkying round the garden but he looks like he has wings as the fur is long at the sides but his new coat is short in the middle. Streak lightning that one lol.

Billy has dug up anything and everything in sight and noised up everybody inbetween he is a total menace, but i love him.

Lucy loved getting a bit of time away from being a mum and went mental then ate half the grass.

Dennis and Jin spent ages sunbathing.

I like nothing better than sitting watching them its so relaxing.

I never got a full length pic of Bruce in his kilt yesterday sorry !! just these of the 2 of us together which is nice cause we hardly ever manage.



The wedding was lovely done by the same minister that did our wedding. It was one of my oldest friends thatwas getting married, and she was stunning and so hyper all day she reminds me of Tigger lol
I LOVE the second picture of you and Bruce, you make a lovely couple :D

I can't believe you stole my name! :pWhat with Ellissian 'stealing' Hope, I'll just have to stop telling people my rabbits names.

She suits Skye though, in fairness, because she is bluuuuuuuuuuuuuuuue.

I can't wait to see Lucy's baby :)

I'm so glad you've updated, I've been waiting for one, lol.