nethies by name mischief by nature 2008

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Thanks Dave :D

now for anyone who saw my nethie babies post in december here is the only baby we kept he is looking nice at the mo.




And here is Dennis the menace lol



:vomit:Urgh! What ugly bunnies! :nonoShame on you. :p
Oh My Gosh it's a good thing their is an ocean between us.If you were anywhere in North America I would hunt you down and Bunny Nap Boo and Nibbler and the little baby that was born in December and Dennis.:p


Aww...Boo and Nibbler are adorable trying to squeeze into that Cuddle Cup together. I noticed it's got little chew marks, although not nearly as bad as mine (I have to replace Billy's bed every few months after it's been completely destroyed :)).

The black otter baby is looking really cute. I love looking at pictures of bunnies as they grow and I hope you post more when your next litters are due! What happened to the little blue bunny though? He was my favorite of all the Nethie babies :hearts
Wow...look at all those ribbons...he is such agorgeous little boy....ohh and i really adore Nibbler and Boo..what two little cuties..i love the pictures of them all snuggled up in their little adorable! :)

Hooray! Now I have your more recent blog lol!

I say it again, your bunnies are all sooooo cute! I'm dying for a Nethie some day.

Boo and Nibbler are the cutest pair!

Thanks Jen, Bruce keeps saying i should let them go to someone as pets but i don't know if i have the heart to I do love them they usually live in my living room but they are in the shed just now as we are trying to socialise LillyBil a bit ( he was a bit spooky) can't wait for them to come back in though. If I could i would have all my buns in the house!!

Glad you like them though:DKeep a look out soon as I have 2 litters due on friday and should be 4 next month !! and then i will have loads of baby pics :biggrin2:
I thought I would just post a couple of pictures of our borrowed buck. A breeder has let us borrow him to use with Mrs Opi as we haven't been having any luck mating her.



we need baby piccys(ok,ok, so i need:D)!we know you have babies, now show us.................:p

ok, so being a bit silly there, but i really do love you nethie babies..........
lmbo Ladybug ok I will put the baby pics in here too just for you. No eyes open yet thoguh they are very nearly there!!



will take more pics aftyer their eyes open. May should eb fun though I will have a few litters due then :p
Is there anything more precious than a baby bun nose?! Wait, I've never seen a baby buns backside! Send more baby bun photos please!! All of your guys are gorgeous - if I were you I'd be sleeping in the shed - perhaps your hubby can put a cot in there - lol!