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Netherland dwarf.
A popular choice. The Netherland Dwarf is one of the smallest breeds, with a wide range of colours available for breeding / showing, with its maximum weight being around 2 1/2 lbs (1.134kg). It is a neat and compact breed and requires less space than the larger breeds of rabbits.
A very small, stocky breed, it should have wide shoulders with a short body length and front legs, a full chest and small ears (no longer than 2") with a very round head.
The best way to describe a Netherland is 2 circles with the smaller one for the head and a bigger one for the body.
Created in Holland via the Polish rabbit, it first gained show standard in 1940. It was then transported to the UK in the 1950's and appeared in the US as early as 1965 but was not approved for showing until 1969. Today it is one of themost popular of the fancy rabbits.
The average lifespan for a Netherland is 7 to 10 years. Health wise it can be very prone to dental problemsdue to its very short, flat face.
Not always the easiest of the rabbits to breed average litter size is 2-3. They can also encounter birthing problems due to their small size and the chance of the fatal peanuts in your litters. (peanuts are babies carrying the double dwarfing gene.)
The Netherland can be a slightly skittish rabbit, probably due to its Polish ancestry. It is confident, inquisitive and cheeky and itloves to play and be kept amused. They are certainly not docile though you will find some like to snuggle!! Perhaps not always the ideal breedfor a first time rabbit owner, however if handled well from birth these little rabbits make wonderful companions and are a great size for children to handle without finding it difficult. Once spayed/neutered they settle quite a lot behaviour wise. Very easily litter trained.
UK standard.
ring size: X
Body 30 points: Short, compact, cobby, full chested and wide shouldered. Devoid of raciness. Front legs short and straight.
Ears 15 points: Erect and of good substance, well furred, slightly rolled at the tips. desired length 2" (5cm)
Head 15 points: Round broad skull.
Eyes 5 points: Round, bold, bright and of good colour
Colour 15 points: Accept any colour as long as it conforms to the normal pattern of accepted colours of other breeds.
Coat 10 points: Soft, short, dense, rollback.
Condition 10 points: Firm in flesh, good coat, free from any disease.
Total 100 points.
Weight: Adult exhibit as near as possible to 0.907kg (2lbs) Disqualification over 1.134kg (2 1/2 lbs)
Other DQ's: racy type, crooked legs, odd coloured, speck eyes, white patches/ armpits, putty nose, Overgrown orMutilated teeth, running eyes, not fit and healthy.
Faults: narrow shoulders, ears not erect, bent or over length, narrow face, white toenails in coloured rabbits, ticking on shaded rabbits, flyback coat.
ARBA Standards.
Senior bucks and does (6 months +) not over 2 1/2 lbs (1.134kg)Ideal 2 lbs (0.907kg)
Jr bucks and does (under 6 months) not over 2 lbs(1.134kg) minimum to be 1 lb.
Accepted colours.
Selfs. White (eye colour ruby red or a rich dark blue), Black, Blue, Brown (or Chocolate) and Lilac
Shaded. Siamese sable (can be shown in light, medium and dark), Siamese smoke pearl, Seal point, Tortoiseshell (better known as sooty fawn)
Agouti patterned. Agouti (known as chestnut in the US) Opal, Lynx, Chinchilla, Squirrel.
Tan patterned. Body colour to be black, blue,chocolate or lilac (except in sable and smoke).
Tans: Chest, belly, eye circles, inside of ears, underside of Jowel and tail to be a rich tan colour.
Foxes: chest, flanks and feet to be ticked with white guard hairs. Eye circles, inside of ears, underside of Jowel and tail, belly and triangle to be white.
Otter: The belly should be creamy white, as should under the tail and chin. A tan border should divide the white and colour and encircle nostrils and under chin. A mixture of body colour and tan covers feet. Tan ticking on chest flanks and rump. Tan eye circle and nape of neck.
Sable Martens: can be shown in light, medium and dark.
Smoke pearl martens.
Other varieties.
Orange, Fawn, steel and Himilayan. Will also accept any other colour as long as it conforms to teh normal pattern of accepted colours of other breeds.
Atable ofnetherlands being judged for best of breed.
Ruby eyed whites being judged.
A chinchilla Netherland Dwarf after a successful show day
A Black otter Netherland Dwarf
A litter of 2 day old Netherland Dwarfs.
Banding on an agouti.
National clubs and affiliates.
British rabbit council: http://www.thebrc.org
Uk netherland dwarf club: http://www.nndrc.co.uk
Arba: http://www.arba.net
American netherland dwarf club: http://www.andrc.com
A popular choice. The Netherland Dwarf is one of the smallest breeds, with a wide range of colours available for breeding / showing, with its maximum weight being around 2 1/2 lbs (1.134kg). It is a neat and compact breed and requires less space than the larger breeds of rabbits.
A very small, stocky breed, it should have wide shoulders with a short body length and front legs, a full chest and small ears (no longer than 2") with a very round head.
The best way to describe a Netherland is 2 circles with the smaller one for the head and a bigger one for the body.
Created in Holland via the Polish rabbit, it first gained show standard in 1940. It was then transported to the UK in the 1950's and appeared in the US as early as 1965 but was not approved for showing until 1969. Today it is one of themost popular of the fancy rabbits.
The average lifespan for a Netherland is 7 to 10 years. Health wise it can be very prone to dental problemsdue to its very short, flat face.
Not always the easiest of the rabbits to breed average litter size is 2-3. They can also encounter birthing problems due to their small size and the chance of the fatal peanuts in your litters. (peanuts are babies carrying the double dwarfing gene.)
The Netherland can be a slightly skittish rabbit, probably due to its Polish ancestry. It is confident, inquisitive and cheeky and itloves to play and be kept amused. They are certainly not docile though you will find some like to snuggle!! Perhaps not always the ideal breedfor a first time rabbit owner, however if handled well from birth these little rabbits make wonderful companions and are a great size for children to handle without finding it difficult. Once spayed/neutered they settle quite a lot behaviour wise. Very easily litter trained.
UK standard.
ring size: X
Body 30 points: Short, compact, cobby, full chested and wide shouldered. Devoid of raciness. Front legs short and straight.
Ears 15 points: Erect and of good substance, well furred, slightly rolled at the tips. desired length 2" (5cm)
Head 15 points: Round broad skull.
Eyes 5 points: Round, bold, bright and of good colour
Colour 15 points: Accept any colour as long as it conforms to the normal pattern of accepted colours of other breeds.
Coat 10 points: Soft, short, dense, rollback.
Condition 10 points: Firm in flesh, good coat, free from any disease.
Total 100 points.
Weight: Adult exhibit as near as possible to 0.907kg (2lbs) Disqualification over 1.134kg (2 1/2 lbs)
Other DQ's: racy type, crooked legs, odd coloured, speck eyes, white patches/ armpits, putty nose, Overgrown orMutilated teeth, running eyes, not fit and healthy.
Faults: narrow shoulders, ears not erect, bent or over length, narrow face, white toenails in coloured rabbits, ticking on shaded rabbits, flyback coat.
ARBA Standards.
Senior bucks and does (6 months +) not over 2 1/2 lbs (1.134kg)Ideal 2 lbs (0.907kg)
Jr bucks and does (under 6 months) not over 2 lbs(1.134kg) minimum to be 1 lb.
Accepted colours.
Selfs. White (eye colour ruby red or a rich dark blue), Black, Blue, Brown (or Chocolate) and Lilac
Shaded. Siamese sable (can be shown in light, medium and dark), Siamese smoke pearl, Seal point, Tortoiseshell (better known as sooty fawn)
Agouti patterned. Agouti (known as chestnut in the US) Opal, Lynx, Chinchilla, Squirrel.
Tan patterned. Body colour to be black, blue,chocolate or lilac (except in sable and smoke).
Tans: Chest, belly, eye circles, inside of ears, underside of Jowel and tail to be a rich tan colour.
Foxes: chest, flanks and feet to be ticked with white guard hairs. Eye circles, inside of ears, underside of Jowel and tail, belly and triangle to be white.
Otter: The belly should be creamy white, as should under the tail and chin. A tan border should divide the white and colour and encircle nostrils and under chin. A mixture of body colour and tan covers feet. Tan ticking on chest flanks and rump. Tan eye circle and nape of neck.
Sable Martens: can be shown in light, medium and dark.
Smoke pearl martens.
Other varieties.
Orange, Fawn, steel and Himilayan. Will also accept any other colour as long as it conforms to teh normal pattern of accepted colours of other breeds.
Atable ofnetherlands being judged for best of breed.

Ruby eyed whites being judged.

A chinchilla Netherland Dwarf after a successful show day

A Black otter Netherland Dwarf

A litter of 2 day old Netherland Dwarfs.

Banding on an agouti.

National clubs and affiliates.
British rabbit council: http://www.thebrc.org
Uk netherland dwarf club: http://www.nndrc.co.uk
Arba: http://www.arba.net
American netherland dwarf club: http://www.andrc.com